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Strike at the Roots

A more powerful and devastating form of the Wolf's Mercy, this spell brings the true wrath of the Earth onto the target, draining all favor of the Earth from his body and leaving him a weak, trembling, helpless victim. After casting this spell, the caster must succeed in a Contested Earth roll against the target of the spell (rolling separately if he is targeting multiple people). If the target loses the roll, his Earth Ring is immediately reduced to 1 for the duration of the spell.

Major Binding

The more powerful counterpart to the Kuni family's Minor Binding spell, this spell has also been employed by other clan shugenja, especially those of the Phoenix Clan. It is used to imprison more powerful Shadowlands creatuers and members of the Lost, typically for purposes of interrogation. Any Lost and any Shadowlands creature can be targeted with this spell. It can also target other spirit creatures who are Tainted. it cannot affect any other creatures.

Grounding Energy

This spell, originally devised by the Yogo, calls on the spirits of Earth to fortify the caster and his companions, allowing them to resist the power of accursed maho spells. Any maho spell that targets the caster or any of the caster’s allies within the area of effect has its Spell Casting TN increased by an amount equal to 10x the target’s Earth.


This spell unleashes a terrible, ground-wracking earthquake, centered on the caster, who alone is unaffected. The earthquake utterly destroys all wooden buildings within the radius of effect, and inflicts severe damage on stone structures. All persons within the area of the earthquake are thrown to the ground, and remain Prone and Stunned for the duration of the spell, as well as suffering 2k1 Wounds. Individuals who are inside buildings (including the caster) will suffer 6k6 damage from falling debris, collapsing roofs, etc.

DraWing on the Mountain

This spell invokes the strength of Earth to strengthen a physical structure against harm. The wood and stone o the target structure – which may be as large as a castle are infused with the strength of the mountains themselves, allowing it to withstand floods, earthquakes, and the assaults of siege engines.

Wall of Earth

This spell coaxes the spirits of Earth into rising up and forming a thick, powerful barrier to protect the caster. The wall of rock-hard earth which this spell creates can be shaped as the caster desires, and can be curved, placed on a side of a hill, or even formed in a circle. It is extremely tough, requiring a Strength Roll against a TN of the caster's (Earth + School Rank) x 5 in order to break through. It is strong enough to hold back a raging flood, a lava flow, or hurricane winds, at least as long as the spell lasts.

Tomb of Jade

Considered by many shugenja to be the ultimate spell for opposing the creatures of the Shadowlands, this spell calls on the purest of Earth spirits, those of jade, to consume the very Taint within the target. The spell can only affect a target who has at least one full Rank of Shadowlands Taint, but if the spell fails, the caster will not automatically know that the target is Taint-free - there is always the possibility that the target was able to resist the spell.

The Earth Flows

This spell was originally developed by the Kitsu family of the Lion, but quickly spread to other families due to its value to any army on the field of battle. It calls on the Earth kami to re-arrange the landscape of a battlefield in a manner favorable to his side of the battle. For example, a hillside might shift to allow the caster’s side to charge downhill, or a cliff that shields the enemy flank might change into a gentle slope.

Symbol of Earth

Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A symbol of Earth can be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or any other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass the ward is affected by its power, and must succeed a Contested Roll using their Air against the caster's Earth.

Sapphire StriKe

During the War Against the Darkness, the Kuni family of the Crab came to realize that the forces of the Lying Darkness were uniquely vulnerable to the power of crystal. The Kuni threw themselves into researching the ways of crystal and learning how to call on its power through the medium of the Earth kami. This prayer was the result.