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Asako Inquisitors [Monk]

The Asako are generally regarded as a peaceful and serene family, the very picture of the pacifistic Phoenix. For the most part this is an accurate picture of the family and their philosophy, but there are those who stand apart from it. The Asako are the primary force behind the Inquisitors, the Phoenix order devoted to eradicating the corrupt and blasphemous from within the ranks of the Empire's shugenja. It is a mission they embrace completely and enact at any cost. The order has existed since the Empire's earliest days, long before the creation of the Jade Magistrates, and organization that fulfills much the same purpose. The Inquisitors sometimes work in cooperation with the Kuni Witch Hunters and have even had a few limited contacts with the Yogo family's secretive Kuroiban.

The Asako Inquisitors do not concern themselves exclusively with maho or Shadowlands corruption, although these crimes are among their most frequent targets. They also investigate gaijin magic and any religious groups with heretical beliefs, such as the Bloodspeaker Cult. Members of the Inquisitor order are selected primarily from the ranks of Phoenix Shugenja, but many bushi serve with them and a few Henshin and Brotherhood Monks have been inducted as well. Those who are inducted into the order and take the necessary vows of duty and secrecy are granted a stylized tattoo of an eye, the symbol of the order, somewhere on their body. The back of the hand is the most common location.

  • Rings/TraitsVoid 4 , 2
  • OtherMust be able to cast spells of Mastery Level 4 in one element OR have the ability to make melee attacks as a Simple Action and possess the Phoenix Sacred Weapon (the Inquisitor's Strike). May not be Tainted.
  • Rank One: Eye of the Inquisitor

    The Asako Inquisitors are taught to focus their will to disrupt the unnatural magic of blasphemers and criminals. You are considered one Rank higher in your original Shugenja School for the purposes of casting spells. Non-shugenja Inquisitors instead gain one Kiho, for which you must meet all prerequisites.

    During a skirmish you may use a Complex Action to prepare a disruption of energy magic. At any point later in the same skirmish when an opponent is casting a spell, you may as a Free Action force him to make 2 additional Raises on his spell-casting roll. These additional Raises have no effect other than to raise the TN of the roll. Once this is done, you must take another Complex Action if you wish to ready another disruption.

  • Rank Two: The Trials of Jade

    An Inquisitor finds the weakness in his enemies and exploits it, bringing them the Emperor's justice. When casting any spell, you may spend a Void Point for the spell to count as jade or crystal for the purposes of reducing or defeating your target's Reduction or Invulnerability traits. If you cannot cast spells, you may instead make a melee attack as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action when facing an opponent you know has violated the Empire's laws regarding the legal forms of magic.

  • Rank Three: Conviction of Purity

    Those who commit the unpardonable sin of breaking the Emperor's laws concerning magic are unable to stand against you. You are considered one Rank higher in your original Shugenja School for the purposes of casting spells. Non-Shugenja Inquisitors instead gain one additional Kiho, for which you must meet all prerequisites. You may now prepare a disruption (as per your Rank One technique) as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action, and opponents whose spells are disrupted require 3 additional Raises rather than 2.

Elemental Guard [Shugenja] [CR]

The Elements that form the world are as different and unique as the people who inhabit the Empire. It is inevitable that shugenja feel a closer kinship to the personality of the kami of one aspect of nature. These priests join one of the units of the Elemental Guard, four separate schools that focus on each of the four main Elements.

  • Rank One: Name of the Elements

    The Elemental Guard hones his entire soul to his chosen Element until he is completely at harmony with its kami. Your Shugenja School Rank is considered one higher for the purposes of casting spells of your Chosen Element. You may also spend a Void Point as a Free Action to add twice your Rank in your chosen Ring to your Armor TN. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to your Shugenja School Rank, and is a very visible effect (you are surrounded by flames or by swirling water, you skin becomes rocklike, etc.).

  • Rank Two: Touch of the Elements

    The link between the kami and the Elemental Guard deepens further. Your Shugenja School Rank increases by one. Your chosen Ring is considered two ranks higher for purposes of determining the number of spell slots you have in that Element per day.

  • Rank Three: Shape of the Elements

    The Elemental Guard can wield the power of the kami with a single whisper. Your Shugenja School Rank is considered one higher for the purposes of casting spells of your Chosen Element. You may select one spell of your Chosen Element of Mastery Level 3 or greater. A number of times per day equal to your Void Ring, you may cast that spell with a single Simple Action.