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Armor of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Battle, Defense)
  • RangePersonal
  • Area of EffectSelf
  • Duration10 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+2 rounds)

This spell infuses the caster's body with the strength of Earth, weakening the force of any physical or magical attack which strikes him. For the duration of the spell, you gain Reduction in an amount equal to your Earth Ring + School Rank. However, this infusion of Earth slows your movements - you Water is considered 1 Rank lower for purposes of movement while you are under the effects of this spell.

Courage of the Seven Thunders [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Battle)
  • Range30'
  • Area of EffectTargets up to caster's Shugenja School Rank
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+1 minute), Targets (+1)

This spell infuses the targets (who may include the caster) with firm and unyielding courage, bolstered by the eternal power of the Earth. For the duration of the spell, all targets gain +5k0 to resist any kind of Fear effect, whether magical or natural. However, this spell is associated with the memory of the legendary Seven Thunders, and those whose connection to the Thunders is tenuous do not receive the same degree of blessing from the Earth kami. Samurai who are not of the original Seven Great Clans receive only +3k0 to their rolls to resist Fear. Anyone who has at least a full Rank of Shadowlands Taint cannot benefit from this spell, although this will not actually reveal that they are Tainted.

This spell may be cast as a combined ritual by two or more shugenja who know the spell, in which case they may add their highest single Earth Rank to their combined total School Ranks to determined how many targets the spell can affect.

Earth's Stagnation [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • Range50'
  • Area of EffectOne target
  • Duration6 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+2 rounds), Range (+10'), Targets (+1, to a maximum of 4 total targets)

This spell calls on the Earth in the target's body to weigh him down, impeding his movements. The target suffers a -2k0 penalty to all rolls using the Agility trait, and his Water Ring is considered 1 Rank lower for the purposes of how far he can move.

Earth's Touch [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Defense)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne target
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour), Targets (+1 per 2 raises, maximum of 3 total targets)

With this spell, the shugenja calls forth the Earth of the target (which may be himself), invoking the kami to strengthen his health and mental fortitude. For the duration of the spell, one of the target's Earth Traits (chosen by the caster) is increased by 1. This does not increase the Ring itself, but it can enhance the target's ability to withstand temptation, resist poisons, or dominate others.

Elemental Ward [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Wards)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne Target
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)

This spell uses the power of the Earth to enhance the resistance to hostile magic. The spirits of the Earth armor the target's body and soul, rejecting other kami when they try to affect the target. When the shugenja casts this spell, he chooses one Element (which cannot be Void or Maho). Spells of that element suffer a penalty equal to the caster's School Rank x 5 when they are cast on anyone under the protection of this spell. (Unfortunately, this includes "friendly" magic such as healing.)

Jade Strike [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Jade, Thunder)
  • Range100'
  • Area of EffectOne target
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesDamage (+1k0), Range (+10'), Targets (+1 target, maximum of 5 total targets)

This summons forth the purest of Earth kami, those of jade, in the form of a blast of iridescent green energy. The jade power flies out and unerringly strikes the chosen target - it cannot be intercepted or deflected, although Magic Resistance or other forms of magical defense can thwart it. If the target has at least one Rank of Taint, the Jade Strike will inflict damage with a DR of 3k3, burning and blackening the Tainted flesh. However, a target who does not have at least a full Rank of Taint will not suffer any damage from the spell. Casting Jade Strike on a non-Tainted target is generally regarded as a grave insult - except perhaps among the more paranoid ranks of the Kuni family, where it is seen as merely a sensible precaution.

Jurojin's Balm [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of Effect1 target
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises, maximum of 5 total targets)

This spell fills the target's body with the purity and vigor of Earth, driving out poisons and impurities. If the target suffers the effects of any poison or toxin within the duration of the spell, or is already under the effects of a poison when the spell targets him, he may re-roll any failed Stamina roll to resist the poison, with a bonus of +2k0 to the second roll. (However, if the second roll is also failed, the poison has full effect.) An interesting side-effect of this spell is that it also cures drunkenness and other such effects, and it is impossible to become intoxicated during the spell's duration.

Minor Binding [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Craft)
  • Range60'
  • Area of Effect1 target
  • Duration2 hours
  • RaisesDuration (+1 hour), Range (+20')

This spell was pioneered by the Kuni family but has come into use among other shugenja who battle the forces of the Shadowlands, such as the Scorpion and the Phoenix. It is used to safely imprison minor Shadowlands creatures, typically for purposes of interrogation. Any Shadowlands creature with an Earth of 3 or less can be targeted with this spell. It cannot affect the Lost, Oni Lords or their spawn, or creatures with an Earth of 4 or higher, nor can it affect creatures who are not Tainted.

If the spell is cast successfully, it calls forth manacles of iron, formed from pure Earth spirits, which trap and bind the target creature, rendering it physically helpless for the duration of the spell. When the spell expires, the manacles instantly crumble away into dust.

Soul of Stone [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Defense)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of Effectone Target
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour)

This spell fills the target's soul with the firm and unyielding strength of stone. For the duration of the spell, the target's feelings are immovable, and any attempt to divert or distract him will be resisted with supernatural determination. He gains a +3k0 bonus to any rolls made to resist emotional manipulation or the distractions of desire, including Courtier (Manipulation) rolls, Temptation rolls, Compulsions, and any similar effect the GM judges to be appropriate. However, this stony self-control also makes it difficult for the target to read and affect the emotions of others, and for the duration of the spell he suffers a -1k0 penalty to all Awareness Trait rolls and Awareness-related Skill Rolls made for the purpose of influencing others.

Stone’s Endurance

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Travel)
  • RangeSelf or Touch
  • Area of EffectOne target creature (may be the caster)
  • Duration6 hours
  • RaisesDuration (+1 hour per Raise)

This spell calls on the strength of stone to enhance the target creature’s physical endurance and toughness. This spell was originally devised by the Unicorn to allow their

horses to ride for long periods of time without tiring, but after the Unicorn returned to the Empire other clans also saw value in the spell – particularly the Crab, who found it quite useful for situations where their soldiers had to remain on duty for long periods of time. For the duration of the spell, the target is immune to being Fatigued due to a lack of rest, and is considered to have a Stamina that is one Rank higher for the purpose of any rolls or effects which specifically key on Stamina (such as resisting poisons, determining how long one can avoid drowning, etc).

The spell may be cast multiple times on the same target, but the Earth spirits cannot sustain the effort beyond a total of 24 consecutive hours. Once the spell expires, the target is automatically considered Fatigued until he rests for at least half as long as he was under the spell’s effects.

Tetsubo of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1 (Craft, Jade)
  • RangePersonal or 20'
  • Area of EffectOne created weapon
  • Duration5 minutes
  • RaisesDamage (+1k0), Duration (+5 minutes), Range (+5 feet)

You summon a tetsubo of pure earth, studded with all manner of stones. The weapon's default form is a tetsubo, but one Raise can change its form to any other heavy weapon of your choosing. The tetsubo has a DR of 2k2. When wielding this weapon, you may use your School Rank in place of your Heavy Weapon Skill if you wish. If you do have the Heavy Weapon Skill, the tetsubo grants you a Free Raise for the Knockdown maneuver (this bonus does not apply if you grant the Tetsubo to another person instead of wielding it yourself). The tetsubo disappears if it is lost from your hand. Instead of summoning for yourself, you may cause it to appear in the hands of an ally within 20 feet. He is treated as the caster for all purposes of the spell, but does not gain the Free Raise bonus.

Earth Becomes Sky [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Jade, Thunder)
  • Range100'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesDamage (+1k0), Targets (+1 target), Special (make boulders Jade with 2 Raises)

This spell summons up several huge boulders from the earth, and hurls them through the air to unerringly strike one (or more) target creatures. The target struck by these boulders suffers damage with a DR equal to the caster's Earth rank. If the caster strikes multiple targets, the DR is reduced by 1k1 for each additional target, to a minimum of 1k1 damage per target. These boulders are made of normal, mundane stone, and thus cannot normally bypass Reduction or Invulnerability, but a powerful caster can infuse the boulders with the power of Jade.

Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Travel)
  • RangePersonal or Touch
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour)

This spell allows the target (who can be the caster or one other person) to literally dive into the ground, which becomes as clear and easy to traverse as water for him. He can see for a distance of 100 yards through the earth, and can move through it in any direction as easily as though he were in normal air. The target can see through the edge of the earth into the normal world, but he cannot attack, cast spells, speak, hear, or otherwise interact with those outside the earth unless he emerges from the ground (at which point the spell immediately ends). If the spell ends while the target is still underground, the Earth spirits are offended by the target's continued presence, and immediately expels him into the nearest open air, wherever that might be.

Force of Will [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Battle)
  • Range50'
  • Area of Effect1 target
  • Duration2 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round, maximum 4 Rounds duration)

This spell infuses the target with an intense resistance to pain and death, as the Earth kami bolster his will to live to supernatural levels. He is able to shrug off the pain and shock of his wounds, even continuing in the face of lethal injuries for a short time. For the duration of the spell, the target is immune to all Wound Rank penalties and effects - including the effect of being dead if the Out rank is completely filled. When the spell expires, however, the full effects of any Wounds apply immediately - thus, this spell typically affords either a brief chance to be healed before it is too late, or the chance to wage a final battle in the face of certain death.

Grasp of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range50'
  • Area of Effect1 target
  • Duration5 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (5'), Targets (+1 target per 2 Raises)

This spell causes the Earth kami to reach up and seize hold of the target, often taking the form of a massive hand or claw which grips the unfortunate creature in stony digits. The target is rendered near-immobile, able to move only 3' per round as a Simple Move Action, and unable to move at all with a Free Move Action. The target may break free by spending a Complex Action and rolling Raw Strength at a TN equal to 5 x the caster's Earth.

Hands of Clay [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Travel)
  • RangePersonal
  • Area of EffectSelf
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+5 minutes)

This spell infuses Earth spirits into the hands and feet of the caster, allowing them to merge with the Earth found in wood, earth, and stone. This allows the caster to walk and climb along sheer surfaces, including walls and cliffs, at half his normal movement speed (rounded up). He can even hand from ceilings and move along them, although in that case he can only move 3' with a Simple Action. When the spell ends, the effect concludes without warning, possibly leading to a painful fall.

JuroJin’s Curse

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range30’
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • Duration1 day
  • RaisesRange (+10’ per Raise), Area of Effect (+1 creature per two Raises), Duration (+1 day per two Raises)

This spell calls on the Earth kami to remove all protection of Jurojin, the Fortune of Health and Longevity, from the target. For the duration of the spell, the target’s Earth is considered to be 3 Ranks lower (to a minimum of 1) for the purpose of healing injuries and resisting disease or poison.

Rites of Preservation

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Imperial)
  • Range10’
  • Area of EffectOne human corpse
  • Duration1 day
  • RaisesDuration (+1 day per three Raises)

This spell is used to preserve the bodies of the dead until they can be properly disposed of (typically by cremation). It was originally developed to allow Imperial and other high-ranking nobles’ bodies to be preserved in dignity until their funerals, since the funeral rites of such major lords are not only lengthy but also tend to draw guests from great distances. The Crab have also found it useful for protecting their dead against the Taint, although the spell is difficult to use on the battlefield.

Rites of Preservation is a ritual spell that requires one hour to cast. When a corpse is blessed with this prayer, the Earth kami are entreated to protect the body against

putrefaction and other unclean influences, allowing it to remain pristine and untouched until cremation. This blessing is one of the more important religious duties of shugenja, and despite its association with dead flesh is considered an honorable task.

A body which is blessed by the Rites of Preservation will not putrefy for the duration of the spell. Moreover, because the blessing repels the attentions of the kansen, the corpse is immune to being animated by maho or the Taint until the spell expires.

Taming the Beast

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target natural creature
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesArea of Effect (one additional creature per 2 Raises), Duration (1/2 hour per Raise)

This spell is a secret of the Kitsune family and thus far has never been taught outside of their ranks. It calls on the power of Earth to soothe a wild animal’s temperamental spirit, causing it to become temporarily tame. After completing the prayer, the shugenja makes a Contested Earth roll against the target creature (as a Free Action); with a success, the creature ceases all hostile activity for the duration of the spell, and the caster may persuade the creature to obey simple commands by means of the Animal Handling skill (TNs determined by the GM based on the complexity of the command). When the spell’s

duration expires, the animal returns to its normal behavior – however, in some cases, repeated castings of this spell on the same animal have resulted in its being effectively

permanently tamed (GM’s discretion).

This spell only works on natural creatures (such as snakes or bears) – it has no effect on spirits, supernatural creatures, or Tainted creatures.

Be the Mountain [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Defense)
  • Range30'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration4 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round)

A variant of the spell Armor of Earth, designed to protect allies, this prayer causes the Earth kami to envelop the target with their embrace, covering his skin with a stony barrier that repels physical blows. The target gains Reduction of a value equal to 5 x the caster's School Rank, to a maximum of 20, but cannot take Simple Move Actions for the duration of the spell (Free Move Actions are still allowed). Only a willing ally can be targeted with this spell.

The Mountain's Feet [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Defense)
  • RangePersonal or 20'
  • Area of Effect1 target
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)

This spell fortifies the target by rooting his feet to the stone and soil beneath, allowing him to shrug off anything that might separate him from the touch of the Earth. The target gains +3k0 to resist all Knockdown maneuvers, and any spell which seeks to knock down the target, lift him into the air, or otherwise break his connection to the Earth must win a Contested roll of the spell's Element against the caster's Earth.

Whispers of the Land

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • RangeCentered on Caster
  • Area of Effect50’ radius
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesArea of Effect (+50’ radius per Raise), Duration (+5 minutes per Raise), Special (+1 day of tracks per two Raises)

This spell was originally developed by the Kitsune family of the Fox Clan, who used it to help track intruders in the lands of their modest clan. It has since spread to other families who find its properties useful, such as the Yogo and the Kuni. The spell causes the Earth spirits to reveal the tracks of any person who has walked upon them within the last three

days. The surface – whether it be stone, earth, or wood – literally pushes up in the shape of the tracks, creating a clear and easily-followed path.

(Note that, unlike revelatory Air spells such as By the Light of the Moon, this spell does not merely reveal actively concealed tracks but also normal unconcealed tracks that are too faint or old to normally be seen. For example, By the Light of the Moon would not reveal the barefoot tracks of a servant who walked across the floor of a dojo, but Whispers of the Land will do so.)

Wholeness of the World [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Defense)
  • RangePersonal or 20'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+1 minute), Range (+5'), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)

This spell infuses the target with the strength of Earth to such a degree that his Rings and Traits become wholly resistant to any effort to change them. Any physical or magical effect which would raise or lower his Traits or Rings is completely ineffective for the duration of the spell, as the Eart kami firmly rebuff any such efforts to alter the target's Elemental balance.

Bonds of Ningen-Do [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Wards)
  • Range500'
  • Area of Effect1 target spirit creature
  • Duration30 days
  • RaisesDuration (+1 day_, Range (+10'), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)

This spell, a more powerful and specialized form of Minor Binding, is a ritual designed to bind or dispel troublesome creatures from the various spirit realms. Any creature from the realms of Sakkaku, Chikushudo, Gaki-Do, Toshigoku, or Yume-Do can be affected by this spell. Casting it requires 10 minutes, although if additional shugenja who know the spell assist in the ritual, the time is reduced by 1 minute per additional shugenja, to a minimum of 1 minute.

If the targeted creature is within range of the caster(s) when the spell is successfully completed, the creature can be either bound or dispelled. If it is bound, it must obey the caster's commands for the duration of the spell, although suicidal commands will break the spell - this is how the Kuni have forced mujina spirits to labor for them in their iron mines. (It should be noted that this use of the spell is considered controversial and even blasphemous by many in Rokugan.) If the creature is dispelled, it immediately leaves Ningen-Do for its native spirit realm, and cannot return until the spell's duration ends. Either way, the spirit creature will regard the caster as an enemy thereafter, and is likely to seek vengeance if it can.

Earth Kami's Blessing [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Battle)
  • RangePersonal or 20'
  • Area of EffectCaster or 1 target creature
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+1 minute)

This spell infuses the target (which may be the caster or one of his allies) with the strength and resilience of the Earth, making him tougher and more firm-minded. For the duration of the spell, the target gains +2 Wounds per Wound Rank, and gains +1k1 on all rolls involving the Earth Ring and its associated Traits. When the spell expires, any Wounds the target has suffered still remain, and this may drive him into a lower Wound Rank or even kill him.

Earth's Protection [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Defense, Wards)
  • RangePersonal
  • Area of Effect10' radius from caster
  • DurationConcentration
  • RaisesArea (+5' radius per 2 Raises, to a maximum of 30' radius), Special (Damage reduced by an additional +1k1 for 2 Raises)

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to protect the area around the caster from the effects o the other three Elements (Air, Fire, and Water) for a short time. While the caster concentrates on maintaining the favor the Earth spirits, the effects of spells which call on those other three elements are mitigated. Any hostile Air, Fire, or Water spell cast within the area of Earth's Protection, or extending its effects into that area, will suffer a +10 TN penalty to the Spell Casting roll. In addition, any damage which those spells inflict on creatures within Earth's Protection will be reduced by 1k1 (to a minimum of 1k1).

Earthen Wave

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • RangeSelf
  • Area of EffectOne 10` x 50` area
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesArea (5 feet to either dimension per Raise)

Developed by the Kuni as a way to deal with the swarming masses of Shadowlands beasts they would frequently encounter, this spell sends a rolling shockwave through the ground, knocking the unsteady from their feet. The shugenja chooses a direction, and this force shakes the ground immediately in that direction in an area of effect based on the spell and any Raises. All creatures caught in the area of effect must make a Contested roll with their Strength against the Caster’s Earth Ring or be knocked prone as if they had been hit with a Knockdown maneuver. Creatures with more than two legs gain two Free Raises on this roll.

Groves of Stone [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Craft, Defense)
  • RangeCentered on caster
  • Area of EffectCircular barrier 15’ in radius
  • Duration10 Rounds
  • RaisesArea of Effect (+5’ radius per two Raises), Duration (+2 Rounds per Raise), Special (+5 TN to climb rocks per Raise)

This spell is a specialized variation of the more commonprayer known as Wall of Earth. It entreats the Earth spirits to draw an array of huge stones up from the ground, erupting in an instant through most intervening physical obstacles (such as the floor of a house) to create a circular barrier around the caster. The stones are too strong to break through with anything short of a siege engine (against a siege engine they are considered to have 500 Wounds and Reduction 15), but can be clambered over with a Complex Action and a roll of Athletics / Strength against the caster’s Earth x5.

When the spell expires, the stones crumble away to loose earth and dust.

Murmur of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of Effect100 foot radius around caster
  • Duration1 round
  • RaisesArea of Effect (+50’ radius per Raise), Special (+5 to TN per two Raises)

This spell excites and angers the Earth spirits in the ground around the caster, causing them to briefly shake the ground in the manner of an earthquake; however, the spirits refrain from shaking the ground immediately beneath the caster himself. Although this spell does not produce a true earthquake, the brief tremor can still cause damage and alarm. Any persons within the area of effect must roll Agility at TN 20 or be knocked Prone, suffering 1k1 damage and being Dazed for one Round. Furnishing and other such items will be knocked over by the tremor, which may have a variety of effects as the GM chooses

(e.g. a table with a lantern falling over might start a fire).

When using the Siege rules from the L5R 4th edition supplement The Great Clans, Murmur of Earth will cause 4k2 damage to all structures within its area of effect, ignoring their Reduction.

Purge the Taint [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Jade)
  • RangePersonal
  • Area of Effect50' radius around caster
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesArea (+10' radius)

This spell was originally created by the Kuni family and is still primarily practiced by them, although knowledge of its prayers has spread to other Clans. It is an elaborate ritual spell, requiring an hour to cast, that calls on the powers of Earth to purge the land of the Shadowlands Taint, driving out all the evil kansen in the area. The spell will remove the Taint from the land, plant life, and inanimate objects within the area of effect. It will not remove Taint from living creatures, nor will it affect powerful Tainted artifacts or objects made of obsidian.

The removal of the Taint, however, is not without a price. The elemental kami in the area of effect are also weakened and purged by the spell, especially the Earth spirits whose efforts are called upon to power it. In the aftermath of casting this spell, the local spirits are scattered and weakened, inflicting a +15 TN penalty on all Spell Casting rolls within the area. This negative effect will sometimes fade with time, especially if it was cast in a single location surrounded by normal lands. But if the spell is cast over a wide area, such as the Kuni Wastes, the elemental kami will usually permanently leave the area, reducing it to a gray, lifeless wasteland.

Sharing the Strength of Many [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • Range20'
  • Area of Effect1 - 6 target persons within range
  • Duration5 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (+5')

This spell infuses its targets, up to six people (who can include the caster), with the power of Earth, allowing them each to call upon the Earth of their comrades to bolster their efforts. For the duration of the spell, the lowest Earth Ring Tank among all the targets is added to the total of all Ring, Trait, and Skill rolls (but not Spell Casting rolls) the make.

Shelter of the Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Craft, Illusion)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne target creature (may be the caster)
  • Duration30 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+10 minutes per Raise)

This spell entreats the Earth kami to hide and conceal the targeted creature. Earth flows up to cover the target with a realistic-looking facsimile of some natural object, such as a tree or a boulder; this shell collapses back into loose earth when the spell expires. The target can hear and breathe normally, but has no other interaction with the world outside of the concealing shell of Earth; if he speaks, moves, or is actually hit by an attack, the spell immediately ends and the concealing shell collapses as above. From outside, however, the false object will seem perfectly normal and will resist physical blows with the same strength it would have if it were real.

When creating the false shell, the Earth kami will try to choose an object that is appropriate for the area (such as a boulder on a mountainside), but they do lack imagination and in any case cannot create the false form of a manmade object – thus, the utility of this spell within a town or a castle is somewhat limited.

Strength of the Crow [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Jade)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of Effect1 target
  • DurationHours equal to caster's Shugenja School Rank
  • RaisesDuration (+1 hour), Targets (+1)

This spell infuses the target (who can be the caster) with a powerful resistance to the Shadowlands Taint, repelling the dark kansen of the Taint with the pure power of Earth. For the duration of the spell, the target(s) gain a +5k5 bonus to all rolls made to resist gaining the Shadowlands Taint, and any maho spells suffer a +10 TN penalty to affect them. This bonus does not apply to any rolls made to resist an increase in Taint the target already possesses - it only applies to new Taint gained from outside sources. Likewise it cannot protect the target from gaining Taint by casting Maho.

StriKe as Stone [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Battle)
  • RangeSelf or Touch
  • Area of EffectOne target person (may be the caster)
  • Duration5 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+1 minute per Raise)

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to strengthen the target’s hands and forearms, making them as hard as stone. The target’s hands cannot be physically harmed for the duration of the spell (allowing him to perform a variety of feats, such as prying open a lock with his fingers), and his unarmed Damage Rating is increased by +2k0.

The Wolf's Mercy [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • Range50'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration10 rounds
  • RaisesRange (+10'), Targets (+1)

This spell has existed in Rokugan for centuries, but is best known for its extensive use by Toturi Sezaru, "the Wolf", who employed it during his hunts for Bloodspeakers. It calls on the power of the Earth to afflict the target, weighing down his body and impeding his muscles, leaving him weak and vulnerable.

The target's Earth Ring is lowered by 1 Rank, and his Wound Ranks are reduced correspondingly for the duration of the spell. (This can potentially kill him immediately if he already suffered Wounds.) In addition, his Strength Rank is also lowered by 1 for the same duration. If the target has at least one full Rank of the Shadowlands Taint, the Earth spirits will be filled with wrath, and punish him more severely, lowering his Earth Ring by 2 Ranks (to a minimum of 1).

Time’s Deadly Hand [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne physical object
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesRange (change from Touch to 50’ with three Raises)

This spell causes the Earth kami within a physical object to abandon that object, weakening its physical strength. Wood warps and flakes, stone and metal turn weak and brittle, cloth becomes thin and fragile, and so forth. The spell’s effects are permanent.

Mechanically, any weapon which is affected by this spell will lose 2k1 from its DR, and any armor will lose 5 from its Armor TN bonus and 3 from its Reduction. A variety of other non-mechanical effects can also take place, subject to the GM’s adjudication - for example, a kimono affected by this spell will rip if it is subject to the slightest tension or stress, and a scroll will tear and crumble the moment it is unrolled. Weakened stones or beams could be used to sabotage a bridge, to facilitate breaking into a besieged castle, and so forth.

In general, this spell will not affect awakened items (e.g. nemuranai), since their empowered spirits resist the shugenja’s entreaty.

Wooden Prison [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3 (Defense)
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • Duration5 Rounds
  • RaisesRange (+10’ per Raise), Duration (+1 Round per Raise), Special (+1k0 to the plants’ Strength per Raise)

This spell entreats the Earth kami inhabiting living plants and trees, causing them to make the plants rapidly grow and twine themselves around a designated target. Within seconds the target finds himself ensnared in a dense tangle of vines, creepers, and branches. The target is automatically Entangled at the moment the spell is cast; on his subsequent Turns, the target may attempt to escape as a Simple Action by making a Contested Strength roll against the plants’ Strength of 4. (Alternatively, the target can be cut free by allies – it takes two Turns’ worth of effort to slash away enough of the plants to free the target.) If the target escapes, or the spell expires, the plants drop away and shrivel up as the Earth kami cease to stimulate them.

This spell can only function in an area where living plants are present, e.g. it will not function inside a building, in a desert, on a barren mountainside, or other such environments. It cannot target a flying creature.

Armor of the Emperor [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Defense)
  • RangePersonal
  • Area of EffectSelf
  • Duration5 Rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+2 Rounds)

This spell covers the caster in a thick layer of tough, resilient Earth spirits who repel all damage, whether physical blows or magical effects. Any time the caster suffers damage from an enemy physical or magical attack, each individual damage die has its total Reduced by the caster's Shugenja School Rank. This cannot reduce a die's total below 0.

Earth dragon’S War [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Wards, Jade)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of Effect20’ radius
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+5 minutes per Raise), Special (+1k1 to the caster’s Willpower roll per two Raises)

This spell calls on the power of the Dragon of Earth to protect an area against dangerous spirits. It was originally pioneered by the Isawa but was soon embraced by other shugenja families, especially the Yogo and the Kuni. The spell requires a warding symbol be inscribed on a solid surface (the ground, a wall, etc) prior to casting; this takes five minutes. Once successfully cast, the spell wards the area against possessing spirits and effects, making it extremely difficult for any individual within the area of effect to be possessed (whether by a ghost, a gaki, an oni, a spell, or in any other manner). Any spirit or being attempting a possession within the area of effect must first succeed in a Contested Willpower roll against the caster. (The caster will be aware that something tried to penetrate the Ward, and will know whether or not it was successful, but will not know the nature or identity of the possessing force.) This spell cannot drive out a spirit which is already possessing someone; it only protects against new possessions.

Essence of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Battle)
  • RangePersonal or 20'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature (self or another)
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (+5'), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises), Special (+1 Rank of Earth per 2 Raises, maximum increase 3 Ranks of Earth)

This spell infuses the target with the true strength of Earth, allowing him to shrug off blows which might otherwise take his life. For the duration of the spell, the target's Earth Ring is considered to be 1 Rank higher, and his Wounds are increased correspondingly. However, when the spell ends, the Earth spirits immediately depart and the target's Wounds return to normal - possibly resulting in death, if he has suffered sufficient injury.

Maw of the Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Battle)
  • Range40’
  • Area of EffectApproximately 10’ in radius
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesRange (+20’ per Raise), Special/Damage (extra ten feet of depth and 1k1 of damage per two Raises)

This prayer causes the Earth spirits in the ground to wrench open a large pit roughly 20 feet deep, swallowing up anyone in the vicinity. Anyone at or within 10’ of the pit must roll their Reflexes against the caster’s Earth or fall into the pit, suffering 3k2 damage. They are also trapped in the pit until they are rescued or can climb out. (Climbing out of the pit is a Complex Action and requires an Athletics / Strength roll at a TN equal to the pit’s depth in feet.)

Sapphire StriKe [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Jade, Crystal, Thunder)
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesRange (+20’ per Raise), Targets (+1 target per Raise), Damage (+1k1 per Raise)

During the War Against the Darkness, the Kuni family of the Crab came to realize that the forces of the Lying Darkness were uniquely vulnerable to the power of crystal. The Kuni threw themselves into researching the ways of crystal and learning how to call on its power through the medium of the Earth kami. This prayer was the result.

A Sapphire Strike appears much like the far more well- known Jade Strike, but the blast of elemental energy which is unleashed shows a distinctive blue-green tinge, quite different from the bright green color of a Jade Strike, as the Earth kami call on the essence of Lady Sun’s tears. The Sapphire Strike has a DR of 4k4, but only against targets who are specifically vulnerable to Jade or Crystal. It is considered to be both Jade and Crystal for the purpose of game effects such as whether it penetrates Invulnerability or Reduction.

Symbol of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Wards)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectSpecial
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesDamage (+1k0)

Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A symbol of Earth can be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or any other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass the ward is affected by its power, and must succeed a Contested Roll using their Air against the caster's Earth. Those who fail are struck with a powerful shockwave, and must succeed at a Strength roll against the total of the Spell Casting Roll used to create the ward or be knocked Prone and Stunned. If they have at least one Rank of Taint, they also suffer 2k2 Wounds. You may only have one Symbol of Earth in existence at any time, and Symbol spells of different elements may never affect the same area. This spell can be dispelled by another casting of Symbol of Earth from any shugenja, or by destroying the surface where the Symbol was etched.

The Earth Flows [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Battle)
  • RangeCentered on Caster
  • Area of Effect1 square mile
  • Duration1 hour (or two Mass Battle Rounds)
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour or one Mass Battle Round per two Raises)

This spell was originally developed by the Kitsu family of the Lion, but quickly spread to other families due to its value to any army on the field of battle. It calls on the Earth kami to re-arrange the landscape of a battlefield in a manner favorable to his side of the battle. For example, a hillside might shift to allow the caster’s side to charge downhill, or a cliff that shields the enemy flank might change into a gentle slope. The spell awards a +3k2 bonus to any roll made by the commander of the caster’s side to determine who is winning a Mass Battle, and a +1k1 bonus to any Mass Battle Table rolls made by individual samurai on the caster’s side. Because this spell invokes the Earth kami on such a large scale, casting it on both sides of the same battle can lead to a violent spiritual backlash – typically triggering a massive earthquake (equivalent to the Rank 5 spell Earthquake).

Tomb of Jade [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Jade)
  • Range50'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • DurationConcentration
  • RaisesRange (+10'), Special (Contested Roll, +1k1 to caster for each Raise)

Considered by many shugenja to be the ultimate spell for opposing the creatures of the Shadowlands, this spell calls on the purest of Earth spirits, those of jade, to consume the very Taint within the target. The spell can only affect a target who has at least one full Rank of Shadowlands Taint, but if the spell fails, the caster will not automatically know that the target is Taint-free - there is always the possibility that the target was able to resist the spell.

When Tomb of Jade is cast, the target is momentarily immobilized as the Earth spirits enter his body. Each round, starting with the first round, the caster must make a Contested Earth roll against the target. If the target wins, the spell ends. If the caster wins, the target takes 2k2 Wounds as the spirits begin to transform his body into jade. This continues each round until the target successfully resists, the caster stops concentrating, or the target dies. Those killed by this spell are transformed into statues of pure jade, which crumbles away into mundane dust in 24 hours.

Wall of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4 (Defense)
  • Range100'
  • Area of EffectWall measuring a maximum of 10' high and 100' wide
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesArea (increase height by 1' or width by 10' per Raise), Duration (+1 minute), Range (+10')

This spell coaxes the spirits of Earth into rising up and forming a thick, powerful barrier to protect the caster. The wall of rock-hard earth which this spell creates can be shaped as the caster desires, and can be curved, placed on a side of a hill, or even formed in a circle. It is extremely tough, requiring a Strength Roll against a TN of the caster's (Earth + School Rank) x 5 in order to break through. It is strong enough to hold back a raging flood, a lava flow, or hurricane winds, at least as long as the spell lasts. When the spell expires, however, the earthen barrier crumbles away in moments.

DraWing on the Mountain [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5 (Battle, Defense)
  • Range300’
  • Area of EffectOne target structure (up to a small castle)
  • Duration1 day
  • RaisesRange (+150’ per Raise), Area of Effect (one additional structure for 3 Raises), Duration (+1 day per 3 Raises)

This spell invokes the strength of Earth to strengthen a physical structure against harm. The wood and stone o the target structure – which may be as large as a castle are infused with the strength of the mountains themselves, allowing it to withstand floods, earthquakes, and the assaults of siege engines.

When using the Siege rules from the L5R 4th edition supplement The Great Clans, for the duration of this spell the Wounds and Reduction of the target structure are doubled. When the spell expires, the extra Wounds are lost – if this reduces the structure to zero Wounds, it immediately collapses into ruin.

Earthquake [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5
  • RangePersonal
  • Area of Effect1 mile radius
  • Duration1 minute
  • RaisesArea (+500 yards), Duration (+1 minute per 2 Raises)

This spell unleashes a terrible, ground-wracking earthquake, centered on the caster, who alone is unaffected. The earthquake utterly destroys all wooden buildings within the radius of effect, and inflicts severe damage on stone structures. All persons within the area of the earthquake are thrown to the ground, and remain Prone and Stunned for the duration of the spell, as well as suffering 2k1 Wounds. Individuals who are inside buildings (including the caster) will suffer 6k6 damage from falling debris, collapsing roofs, etc. Casting this spell within range of a major inhabited area is generally considered an act of war.

Grounding Energy [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5 (Defense, Wards)
  • RangeCentered on Caster
  • Area of EffectCaster and all allies within a 20’radius
  • Duration3 Rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 Round per two Raises)

This spell, originally devised by the Yogo, calls on the spirits of Earth to fortify the caster and his companions, allowing them to resist the power of accursed maho spells. Any maho spell that targets the caster or any of the caster’s allies within the area of effect has its Spell Casting TN increased by an amount equal to 10x the target’s Earth.

Major Binding [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5 (Jade, Wards)
  • Range100'
  • Area of Effect1 target Shadowlands creature
  • Duration12 hours
  • RaisesDuration (+1 hour), Range (+50')

The more powerful counterpart to the Kuni family's Minor Binding spell, this spell has also been employed by other clan shugenja, especially those of the Phoenix Clan. It is used to imprison more powerful Shadowlands creatuers and members of the Lost, typically for purposes of interrogation. Any Lost and any Shadowlands creature can be targeted with this spell. It can also target other spirit creatures who are Tainted. it cannot affect any other creatures.

The spell is a ritual, and requires ten minutes to cast (making it quite hazardous when dealing with a rampaging oni), but if additional shugenja join in casting the spell the casting is reduced by 1 minute per shugenja, to a minimum of 1 minute. If it is cast successfully, the casters make a Contested Roll of their combined Earth Rings against the Earth of the target. If the casters win, the spell calls forth manacles of pure elemental jade, which imprison the creature and render it helpless with the pain of its searing bonds for the duration of the spell. When the spell expires, however, the manacles instantly crumble into dust, and the creature is liable to seek immediate and bloody vengeance on its captors.

Strike at the Roots [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5
  • Range50'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration3 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (+10'), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises), Special (Contested Roll, +1k1 to the caster for each Raise)

A more powerful and devastating form of the Wolf's Mercy, this spell brings the true wrath of the Earth onto the target, draining all favor of the Earth from his body and leaving him a weak, trembling, helpless victim. After casting this spell, the caster must succeed in a Contested Earth roll against the target of the spell (rolling separately if he is targeting multiple people). If the target loses the roll, his Earth Ring is immediately reduced to 1 for the duration of the spell. This also reduces his Wound Ranks and may result in his immediate death if he has already suffered injuries.

The Kami's Strength [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5 (Battle)
  • Range30'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration5 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (+10')

This spell allows the caster to fortify one person with the power of the Earth, greatly enhancing their physical capabilities and their resistance to damage. The target of the spell gains Reduction of 20 and increases his Strength and one other physical Trait by an amount equal to the caster's Earth Ring. In return, however, the target is weighed down by the burden of Earth and cannot take Simple Move Actions (he can still take a Free Move Action).

The Kami's Will [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5 (Defense)
  • Range30'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration10 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (+10')

The counterpoint to the Kami's Strength, this spell infuses one person with the stubbornness and determination of Earth, greatly enhancing their willpower and making them all but immune to the effects of elemental magic. The target of this spell increases his Willpower by an amount equal to the caster's Earth Ring, and any spells (friendly or hostile, but not including Maho spells) which target him suffer a penalty of -XkX to their Spell Casting Roll, where X is the caster's Earth Ring. In return, however, the target is so stubborn and willful that he cannot function properly in a social environment,and suffers a penalty to all Social Skill rolls of -Xk0, where X is the Earth Ring of the caster.

Essence of Jade [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 6 (Defense, Jade)
  • Range30'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration10 rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 round), Range (+5'), Targets (+1 target per 2 Raises, maximum of 3 total targets)

This spell calls on the purity of jade to protect its targets against the power of Jigoku, whether manifested as Taint or as the dreaded magic known as maho. The target radiates the sacred green light of jade, and while the spell lasts, he cannot gain the Shadowlands Taint and is completely immune to the effects of all maho spells. This spell cannot be cast on anyone who possesses at least one full Rank of Taint, for the pure jade spirits will recoil from such a corrupt individual, immediately alerting the caster to this individual's Tainted nature.

Power of the Earth Dragon [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 6 (Defense)
  • Range50'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+1 minute), Range (+10'), Targets (+1), Special (Damage absorption +10 Wounds per Raise)

This spell is the most powerful of the physically protective Earth spells, calling on the favor of the Dragon of Earth to enshroud the targets with protection against all forms of harm. The Earth spirits absorb all damage which the targets suffer while the spell lasts. However, there are limits to even Earth's endurance. Nemuranai can bypass the protection. Further, if the Earth spirits protecting a specific target absorb a total of 100 Wounds of damage, they will be exhausted and the spell's effects on that target come to an end.

Prison of Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 6 (Wards)
  • Range30'
  • Area of Effect1 target creature
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesRange (+5'), Special (Contested Roll, +1k1 to the caster for each Raise)

The most powerful of the binding spells which Earth shugenja use to deal with dangerous creatures, this spell can literally imprison the essence of such a creature for as long as the caster desires. Casting this spell requires that the caster possess a gem or pearl in which to imprison the creature (the GM may, discretionally, allow other rare or precious items to be used, such as a beautifully inlaid puzzle-box or a crystal pendant). The spell can target any creature native to the realms of Jigoku, Gaki-do, or Toshigoku, and any other non-human creature with at least 1 full Rank of Taint.

After casting the spell, the caster must make a Contested Willpower roll against the target. If the caster wins, the creature's physical body vanishes and its essence is imprisoned within the item. It will remain there indefinitely unless the item is physically destroyed. If that happens, the released creature immediately resumes its physical form, and will most likely seek vengeance against the caster or his descendants.

Rise, Earth [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 6
  • Range30'
  • Area of Effect1 summoned spirit
  • DurationConcentration
  • RaisesNone

The Earth itself arises and takes form to defend you. The ultimate realization of the Summon spell, this prayer summons a massive kami of pure Earth to serve you. It takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shape, roughly ten feet in height, with a broad body and thick limbs all formed of earth and stone. This mighty Earth kami may move up to 5 x your earth per round, and its footsteps shake the earth in a twenty foot radius around it, preventing anyone from making Simple Move Actions within its area of effect. This Earth spirit is treated as if it has all Physical Traits equal to your Earth Ring, and attacks with a Jiujutsu Skill rank equal to half your Earth Ring. The kami can carry up to 1,000 pounds of weight if so commanded, and its blows are strong enough to destroy any wooden structure and to shatter stone walls of one-foot thickness. For purposes of taking damage, the spirit is considered to have Wounds as though it were a human with Earth equal to your Earth Ring, but suffers no Wound penalties. It is Invulnerable. If it is successfully reduced to zero wounds, it is dispelled.

Soldiers of Clay [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 6 (Craft, Battle, Jade)
  • Range100’
  • Area of EffectN/A
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1/2 hour per Raise), Special (+2 soldiers per Raise)

Most famously used by Isawa Tadaka and Isawa Sezaru in the early twelfth century, this powerful variation of Rise, Earth is found solely in the Phoenix libraries. Thus far the Phoenix have not shared it with any other clan, although they seriously considered doing so during the Kali-Ma Invasion. Depending on specific campaign settings, the GM could also have this spell introduced to the wider Empire in an earlier era. The spell creates ten human-sized warriors, forming them from earth and stone and animating them with the power of the Earth kami which infuse them. The warriors will move, fight, and otherwise act as the caster commands, obediently and fearlessly. They have Traits and Rings equal to the caster’s Earth, attack (with swords made of stone) as though they have Kenjutsu of 4, and have Reduction equal to twice the caster’s Earth. Their swords are considered to have the Jade property. When destroyed (or when the spell’s duration ends) they collapse

into piles of loose earth.

Cleansing the Body

  • Ring/MasteryEarth, Water 2 (Jade)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of Effect1 target person (can be the caster)
  • DurationInstantaneous/24 hours (see description)
  • RaisesArea of Effect (+1 person per two Raises)

The only known Multi-Element spell created by the Kuni family, this spell calls on both the simple cleansing of Water and the spiritual purity of Earth to help protect against both physical and spiritual pollution. A person targeted with this spell is instantly cleansed of all dirt and filth, and gains a +2k1 bonus to any roll made within the next 24 hours to resist or recover from disease, poison, or infection. Moreover, if the target does not have the Shadowlands Taint, the spell also grants a +2k1 bonus to any rolls made to resist getting the Taint within that same 24 hour period. (This benefit does not work on a target who already has at least one Rank of Taint.) This spell cannot be "stacked" that is, a single person can only benefit from one casting of the spell within a 24-hour period.

Stifling Wind

  • Ring/MasteryAir, Earth 3
  • Range100’
  • Area of Effect20’ radius
  • Duration5 Rounds
  • RaisesRange (+25’ per Raise), Area of Effect (+5’ radius per Raise), Duration (+1 Round per Raise)

Devised by the Soshi to support their shinobi allies, this spell is a more sophisticated development of the original Earth and Air spell. It mingles the Earth and Air kami to create a thick, choking cloud that obscures vision and renders breathing difficult. All those within the area of effect are considered Blinded while they remain within the cloud and for one Round after they leave (as they must wipe the dirt out of their eyes before they can see again). Moreover, while they remain within the cloud, at the start of their Turn each Round they must roll Stamina at a TN equal to the caster’s Earth x5 - if the roll is failed, they can only take Free Actions that Round (due to being choked by dust).

The Mountain’s Wrath

  • Ring/MasteryEarth, Fire 4 (Defense)
  • RangeN/A
  • Area of EffectSelf
  • Duration4 Rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 Round per Raise)

Created by the Tamori family, this spell invokes both the defensive resilience of Earth and the aggressive ferocity of Fire to protect the caster in combat - a common place for the martial Tamori to find themselves. The caster’s skin is covered by a sheath of stone wreathed in an outward layer of flickering red flames. The caster gains Reduction equal to his Earth x3, and any wooden weapon which strikes the caster is set afire. Anyone who touches the caster (or strikes him with unarmed attacks) suffers Xk1 Wounds (where X is the caster’s Fire Rank), and the caster’s own unarmed strikes have their DR increased by the same amount.

Soul Sword

  • Ring/MasteryEarth, Air, Fire, Water 5 (Craft)
  • RangeSelf
  • Area of EffectSelf
  • Duration10 Rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+2 Rounds per Raise), Special (pass the blade to another person for two Raises)

One of the more powerful and complex multi-Element spells known, this Agasha spell is the ultimate expression of the Elemental Weapon spells, combining all four Elements to create a weapon of pure Elemental power. The weapon takes the form of a 5k4 katana and is wielded using the Kenjutsu Skill, but with a +2k2 bonus to attack rolls as the spirits within the blade guide it toward its foes. The Soul Sword is considered to have the properties of both Jade and Crystal for the purpose of who can be harmed by it, and it ignores all effects of enemy armor (both Armor TN and Reduction). If the wielder drops or otherwise loses the sword, the Air spirits within the blade fly it back into his hand as a Free Action.

Water and Earth

  • Ring/MasteryWater, Earth 2 (Battle)
  • Range100’
  • Area of Effect20’ radius
  • Duration5 Rounds
  • RaisesRange (+25’ per Raise), Area of Effect (+5’ radius per Raise), Duration (+1 Round per Raise)

This spell persuades the Water kami and Earth kami in the area of effect to mingle, instantly reducing the ground to sticky, nigh-impassable mud. The spell can be cast anywhere where the ground is normal earth or even stone, but cannot be cast on a finished surface such as a tiled or wooden floor. For the duration of the spell, anyone attempting to physically move through the area of effect can only move a number of feet equal to their Water Ring with a Simple Action, and cannot move at all with a Free Action. Moreover, all such persons suffer a -1k1 penalty to any Agility-based rolls due to the mud impeding their physical motions.

Air and Earth

  • Ring/MasteryAir, Earth 3 (Jade)
  • RangeSelf
  • Area of EffectCone 50’ long and 30’ wide at base
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesArea of Effect (+5’ to width or length per Raise), Damage (+1k0 per Raise)

This spell causes a ferocious horizontal cyclone to blast outward from the caster, ripping up pieces of earth into a barrage of wind and stone. The caster must be standing on a natural earth surface (e.g. not in a building or on a ship) in order to cast this spell. Anyone other than the caster within the area of effect takes 4k2 Wounds (this damage is considered Jade for the purpose of harming supernatural creatures) and is Dazed; they must also make a Contested Earth roll against the caster or be knocked Prone.

Earth and Fire

  • Ring/MasteryEarth, Fire 4 (Jade)
  • Range100’
  • Area of Effect5’ radius
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesRange (+25’ per Raise), Area of Effect (double the radius for 2 Raises, can only be done once)

This spell invokes the combined wrath of the Earth and Fire kami, bringing them forth from the ground as a blast of searing magma. Anyone caught in the brief but ferocious blast suffers 5k4 Wounds and is knocked Prone. The damage from this spell bypasses the first 5 points of Reduction on the target, and is considered to be Jade for the purpose of harming supernatural creatures.

Blood Rite [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne target person/creature
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+2 minutes per Raise), Special (heals an extra +1k0 per Raise)

A deceptive spell which allows many maho-tsukai to masquerade as noble priests, healing the injured. This spell convinces the kansen to fl ow into the target, stimulating his flesh to heal and knit itself closed, and stimulating his body to feats of physical prowess. The target immediately heals 1k1 Wounds, and for the duration of the spell one of his physical Traits (chosen by the caster) is treated as one Rank higher. (This can award a temporary increase in Wounds if it causes the target’s Earth Ring to increase, but the Wounds will drop back to normal when the spell expires, and this may result in the death of the target if he has taken sufficient injury.) However, there is a cruel price for this assistance from the kansen: the target of the spell immediately gains 1k1 points of Shadowlands Taint.

Heart of the Damned [EnE]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectCaster
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesNone

A foul necromantic ritual, first practiced by Iuchiban himself, this spell calls on the strength of the dead to enhance the living. The caster must touch a recently-dead human corpse (dead within the last day) when casting the spell. The corpse shrivels and rots away as the caster draws on its essence, reddish-black energy flowing out of the dead body and into the caster. The caster heals 2k2 Wounds and regains 1 Rank in any Ring or Trait which has been reduced below its normal level.

Purge the Weak [EnE]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectFood and water for up to 5 people
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesRange (20’ per Raise), Area of Effect (supplies for 1 additional person per Raise)

This unpleasant curse ruins food and drink, rendering it foul, diseased, and inedible. The effects of the spell are obvious : food becomes rotten, water turns foul and discolored, and so forth. The food and water lose all nutritional value and anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a -3k0 penalty to all Skill, Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. The illness is incurable with medical treatment and will last for two weeks unless magically cured.

Suck the Marrow [EnE]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • Duration1 day
  • RaisesDuration (+1 day per 2 Raises), Range (change to 50’ for 2 Raises)

This unpleasant curse impedes the victim’s ability to heal and recover from injury and sickness. The victim becomes pale and weak, exuding an unpleasant body odor, and is unable to heal Wounds normally or from applications of the Medicine skill. The victim also is unable to recover from illnesses or poisons, and suffers a -2k0 penalty to any roll made to resist the effects of a poison or disease. Magical healing can still affect the target normally.

Summon Undead Champion [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 1
  • Range100’
  • Area of EffectOne humanoid corpse
  • Duration1 hour
  • RaisesDuration (+1 hour per two Raises), Range (+20’ per Raise), Targets (+1 corpse per Raise)

This spell is used by maho-tsukai to quickly bring forth undead warriors to protect themselves or slaughter their enemies. It must be cast on a corpse which is within the spell’s range ; it cannot target a living creature. The corpse will be animated by a kansen, rising up and serving the caster as best it can. Mechanically, the animated corpse is considered a zombie (as per the Book of Void, page 331). It obeys any simple commands (such as "kill them" or "wait here") from the maho-tsukai who summoned it. Complex or conditional orders cannot be understood, and the zombie will simply stand and wait until it is given an order simple enough to understand. Once created, it can move freely beyond the spell’s initial range. If the zombie is beheaded or destroyed, it will not re-animate unless the spell is cast again. At the end of the spell’s duration, the kansen will depart and the undead creature will collapse to the ground, becoming nothing more than a corpse.

Caress of Fu Leng [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target object
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesRange (+10’ per Raise)

This spell summons dark kansen to consume and destroy the substance most inimical to them : jade. The caster may target any one jade item, weapon, or object within the spell’s range (he must be able to see it). The jade is instantly corrupted, its blessed properties annihilated by an overwhelming saturation of Taint. Only a foul black slime is left behind. This spell cannot affect an awakened nemuranai (magical relic) that contains jade.

Drain the Soul [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target person/creature
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+2 minutes per Raise), Range (+10’ per Raise), Targets (+1 target per Raise), Special (+1 Stamina rank per 2 Raises)

This spell causes malignant Earth kansen to afflict the target, draining away his natural Earth and leaving him weak and sickly. For the duration of the spell, the victim’s Stamina rank is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This can cause the victim’s Earth Ring to temporarily drop, reducing his Wound Ranks and making him more vulnerable to injury.

Eternal Unrest

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2 (Maho)
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectTarget corpse
  • Duration1 month
  • RaisesArea of Effect (+1 corpse per Raise), Special (-10 minutes casting time per Raise)

As masters of necromancy, the Chuda often find themselves in need of corpses for their spells and techniques. This ritual is designed to ensure such corpses are always available, regardless of circumstances. It normally requires one hour to complete, although it can be shortened (with Raises) to a minimum of ten minutes. You may target a maximum number of corpses equal to your Taint Rank. At the spell’s conclusion the targeted corpses are prepared for use. At any later time within the spell’s duration you may take a Complex Action and expend an Earth spell slot to instantly summon the prepared corpses to your location. Chuda Necromancers are particularly fond of using this spell to summon forth corpses for use with their insidious Technique.

Pain [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range30’
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • Duration1 round
  • RaisesDuration (+1 Round per Raises), Range (+5’ per Raise), Targets (+1 target per 2 Raises)

This spell wracks the target with intense physical pain, shooting up and down the limbs and through the torso. The target falls Prone, helpless with pain, and cannot act on his next Turn. In addition, the target must make a Willpower Trait Roll at TN 20 to avoid crying aloud in pain, which could cause a loss of Honor and/or Glory.

Spreading the Darkness [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 2
  • Range30’
  • Area of EffectTwo target persons
  • DurationPermanent
  • RaisesRange (+10’ per Raise)

This sinister curse is employed by maho-tsukai both to control their own Taint and to spread the gift of Jigoku to others. The spell targets two people, at least one of which must have the Shadowlands Taint. The spell causes some of this Taint to leave that creature and transfer to the other, the kansen gleefully carrying the gift of Jigoku from one creature to the other. The maximum number of Taint points which can be moved in this manner is equal to the caster’s Earth + Insight Rank ; however, it can never remove the last point of Taint from the target. (Once the Taint has its grip on someone, it is supremely unwilling to let go.) If the person receiving the Taint is an unwilling target, the caster must succeed in a Contested Willpower roll against the target, or the spell fails.

Death beyond Life [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectOne target person
  • Duration24 hours
  • RaisesDuration (+24 hours per Raise)

This spell is among the most secret spells employed by the leaders of the Bloodspeaker cult, and is quite rare among maho-tsukai outside of that elite group. It allows the caster to literally cheat death, for himself or another person. The spell must be cast on its target while still alive, and its protective effect normally lasts 24 hours, although skilled spellcasters can extend it. If the target dies within the duration of the spell, powerful kansen will carry his soul away, preventing it from passing on to Meido for judgment. Exactly eight hours after death, they will bring back the soul and re-infuse it into the body, and the target rises from the dead at the Down Wound Rank. Returning from the dead in this way inflicts a full Rank of Taint on the target, due to his soul having been in the care of kansen for eight hours. This blasphemous resurrection will work as long as the target’s corpse is still intact ; even if limbs have been lost or the head severed, the body will reassemble itself when the kansen return. The only way to prevent the resurrection is to scatter the body parts or burn the corpse to ashes.

Essence of Undeath [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne humanoid corpse
  • DurationIndefinite
  • RaisesRange (+20’ per Raise), Targets (+1 target per 3 Raises)

A more powerful form of undead summoning, this spell animates a dead corpse into an undead warrior. Unlike the minor, temporary zombies created by "Summon Undead Champion", this spell binds a kansen into a dead body, creating a powerful Tainted revenant which serves the caster to the best of its ability. The revenant will last indefinitely (until destroyed), and the Taint infusing its body prevents it from decaying further. It cannot speak, but can understand and obey any verbal command. It will serve the maho-tsukai who summoned it until it is physically destroyed.

Summon Oni [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 3
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne summoned oni
  • DurationIndefinite
  • RaisesSpecial (+1k0 per Raise to the Willpower roll to control the oni), Special (more powerful oni, GM’s discretion)

Among the most hazardous spells in the maho-tsukai’s repertoire, this spell summons forth an oni from Jigoku. The oni appears anywhere the caster desires within the range of the spell, and must immediately be given a name - either the caster’s own name or the name of another person closely connected to the caster (a close friend, immediate blood relative, or someone who owes the caster their life) - or it will simply depart back to Jigoku. A name, however, anchors the oni into Ningen-do and allows it to remain within the mortal realm.

Once the caster has given the oni a name he must engage in a Contested Willpower roll against it. If the caster gave the oni his own name, he gains a +3k2 bonus to this roll. The caster may also Raise when casting Summon Oni to gain additional unkept dice on this roll. The GM should determine the Willpower of the oni : the more powerful the oni, the higher its Willpower. If the caster wins the roll, the oni will obey his commands (at least for now). If the oni wins the roll, however, it is free of control and typically runs amok until it is destroyed.

Naming an oni is a perilous business, for the oni will try to steal the name away and thereby gain full autonomy and the ability to remain in the mortal realm. Such creatures become Oni Lords, monstrously powerful, able to spawn lesser but still potent copies of themselves. Thus summoned oni will typically not immediately attack the persons who gave them names, seeking instead to leave them alive until they can steal the names completely.

Any person who shares their name with an oni will acquire an Oni Mark, a small discoloration on the skin. Every day the bearer of an Oni Mark must make an Earth roll to resist gaining the Shadowlands Taint as the connection to the oni corrupts them (see the Taint rules for more details). Each week they must make another Contested Willpower Roll, similar to the first, against the oni in order to avoid surrendering their name to it. The oni gains +1k1 to this roll for each Rank of Shadowlands Taint the Mark has infl icted on its bearer. If the name-bearer is the same person who summoned the oni, he continues to gain the +3k2 bonus to the roll, plus any bonuses from Raises on the original spell.

If the oni ever wins this roll it steals the victim’s name and becomes an Oni Lord, freeing itself from any control by its summoner (even if that person is different from the one with the Oni Mark). The now-nameless victim of the Oni Mark becomes a slave of the oni and must obey its commands. If the oni is destroyed or otherwise banished back to Jigoku, it loses its connection to the person with its name and the Oni Mark disappears.

Chains of Jigoku [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne creature or person
  • Duration10 minutes
  • RaisesDuration (+5 minutes per Raise), Range (+10’ per Raise), Special (+1k0 per Raise to caster’s roll to contain the prisoner)

A dark counterpoint to the binding spells practiced by Earth shugenja, this spell summons the kansen to bind and trap living creatures (it cannot affect the undead). When the spell is cast, manacles of dark, rusty iron burst from the ground and ensnare the target, trapping him and holding him in place. The target is rendered immobile and helpless, unable to take any physical actions other than to try to break free (although he can still speak). The victim can only break free by making a Contested Roll of his Strength against the Earth of the mahotsukai who cast the spell. (The caster may take Raises to gain additional unkept dice on this roll.) When the spell expires, the manacles melt away into a disgusting black ooze.

Stealing the Soul [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4
  • Range1 mile
  • Area of EffectOne target person
  • Duration1 day
  • RaisesSpecial (+1 additional Rank of Trait drain per 2 Raises)

Unlike most maho spells, this one can be cast as a ritual, allowing multiple casters to participate. The Bloodspeaker Cult is especially infamous for using this spell to weaken and cripple their enemies. In order to cast this spell, the maho-tsukai must possess some kind of fetish or token of the intended target : a lock of hair, drop of blood, a personal item, etc.

The spell inflicts a hostile and predatory kansen on the target, forcibly draining away his mental or physical abilities. The victim loses 1 Rank from a Trait of the caster’s choice. Additional Ranks may be drained by taking Raises, but the Trait cannot be reduced below Rank 1. For each additional maho-tsukai participating in the spell, an additional Trait can be drained by the same amount. If this spell reduces the target’s Earth Ring, it will also lower his Wounds at each Rank, possibly resulting in death if he

has already suffered damage.

Tomb of Earth [EnE]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 4
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • DurationConditional (see below)
  • RaisesDamage (+1k0 to damage per Raise)

This spell is a perverse inversion of the elemental spell Tomb of Jade. Instead of targeting those with the Taint, it targets those who are pure of soul : the spell cannot affect anyone who has at least one full Rank of Taint. The victim of Tomb of Earth is held immobile as he begins turning to stone, beginning with the skin and working its way inward. Each Round (including the Round the spell is cast) on the caster’s Turn, the caster makes an Opposed Roll of his Insight / Earth against the target’s Insight / Air. If the caster wins, the target remains immobilized by the spell (unable to take Actions of any kind) and suffers 2k2 damage. If the target wins, the spell’s effects end. If the target is killed by the spell, he is turned completely to stone, which crumbles to dust within 24 hours.

Blood Armor [EnE]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5 (Defense)
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectCaster and one target creature
  • Duration3 Rounds
  • RaisesDuration (+1 Round per 2 Raises)

This is an extremely vicious defensive spell which high-ranking Bloodspeaker leaders frequently use to defend themselves. When the spell is cast, the maho-tsukai chooses one living target within range. For the duration of the spell, any time the caster suffers Wounds from any source, he only takes 25% of the damage rolled (rounded down). The target of the spell takes the other 75% (rounded up). Casting this spell does not produce any obvious visual effect, but each time the spell shifts damage to the target, the caster glows with unholy reddish-black energy, while appropriate injuries (burns, cuts, etc) spontaneously appear on the target. This spell works on all Wound damage, even from spells like Jade Strike that normally could not hurt the target.

Fierce Blood of the Earth

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5
  • RangeTouch
  • Area of EffectCaster
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesDuration (+6 hours per 2 Raises)

A hideous and blasphemous spell that many Bloodspeakers use to artificially extend their lifespans. The caster touches one living being, who must be either willing or physically helpless (securely bound, asleep, or unconscious). The caster must make an Opposed Earth Roll against an unwilling victim. If the spell is successful, the maho-tsukai consumes the victim’s life force, killing him instantly. In return, the caster heals all physical injuries, regrows any missing limbs or organs, and extends his life by one year. Although this spell has no obvious or immediate side-effects, using it repeatedly will have a price : the maho-tsukai will acquire a desiccated, almost mummifi ed appearance, making his true nature increasingly difficult to conceal.

Touch of Death [CR]

  • Ring/MasteryEarth 5
  • Range50’
  • Area of EffectOne target creature
  • DurationInstantaneous
  • RaisesRange (+10’ per Raise), Targets (+1 target per 2 Raises)

The most dreaded of all maho spells, the Touch of Death ages, blackens, and blights the target. Skin and flesh shrivel and

blacken, hair turns gray and falls out, and shattering pains wrack the body. The victim physically ages by 10 years, and suffers 7k7 Wounds. The wounds can be healed normally, but the aging cannot be reversed. A character unfortunate enough to be hit by this spell multiple times (and survive) will be left elderly and decrepit.