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The Mountain’s Wrath

Created by the Tamori family, this spell invokes both the defensive resilience of Earth and the aggressive ferocity of Fire to protect the caster in combat - a common place for the martial Tamori to find themselves. The caster’s skin is covered by a sheath of stone wreathed in an outward layer of flickering red flames. The caster gains Reduction equal to his Earth x3, and any wooden weapon which strikes the caster is set afire.

Blood Armor

This is an extremely vicious defensive spell which high-ranking Bloodspeaker leaders frequently use to defend themselves. When the spell is cast, the maho-tsukai chooses one living target within range. For the duration of the spell, any time the caster suffers Wounds from any source, he only takes 25% of the damage rolled (rounded down). The target of the spell takes the other 75% (rounded up).

Globe of the Everlasting Sun

This mighty prayer calls on all the Fire kami in the area to remain quiet and calm, soothing the agitation which so often afflicts them. It is often invoked during major festivals such as the crowning of a new Emperor. For the duration of the spell, all buildings within the area of effect are immune to the effects of magical fire, and all Fire spells cast within the area have the TN of their spell Casting Rolls increased by 15. Normal fires will still ignite and burn, but they do so sluggishly, and do not spread easily.

Castle of Fire

Like the other Castle spells, Castle of Fire is a defensive prayer, in this case a more sophisticated version of Wall of Fire. It calls on the kami of Fire to erect a barrier surrounding the caster. The fiery barrier is 1’ thick and 10’ high; anyone who is standing on its location when it appears must roll Reflexes at TN 20 to leap away (either inside or outside the Castle) and avoid being burned. The Castle’s barrier instantly incinerates any arrows or other missiles which try to pass through it.

Ward of Thunder

Osano-Wo's protection can be temporarily invoked for a suit of armor by casting this spell and inscribing the kanji for thunder on the armor. Those within 15' of the armor are under Osano-Wo's care, and are completely protected from non-magical fire and thunder for the duration of the spell. Additionally, any Fire spell cast by a shugenja other than yourself which targets something within the area of effect has its Spell Casting TN increased by 20

Defense of the Firestorm

A more potent form of spells like Shining Light, this prayer summons forth an aura of magical flames from a suit of armor, surrounding and protecting the armor's wearer. These flames do not harm the armor's bearer and do not harm living things. However, all wooden weapons (including arrows and many polearms) burn instantly before they reach the target, doing no damage. The flames also impede sight to the target, increasing his Armor TN by 20.

Shining Light

Another example of spells which can imbue Fire kami into items, this spell temporarily binds a Fire kami into a piece of armor (such as a helmet or chest plate). the armor emits a bright light that becomes blinding whenever the wearer is attacked. Any time the armor's wearer is attacked in melee, immediately afterward the opponent takes 2k2 Wounds and is Blinded until the Reactions Stage of the same Round. The spell has no effect on ranged attacks.

Relentless Heat

This spell is designed to protect bushi by infusing a Fire kami into their armor. The spell targets one suit of armor, which glows with the strength of the merciless desert sun. Any opponent who attempts to strike the person wearing the armor, whether or not the attack hits, is immediately considered to be Fatigued until the beginning of their next Turn. The penalty apples to the attack roll that triggered the spell, and any attackers in the Full Attack Posture immediately assume the Attack Posture instead.