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target per 2 Raises)

This spell was originally devised by the Isawa to deal with the threat of Yobanjin magic, and later spread to the rest of the Empire when other gaijin threats became more frequent. The spell calls on Shinsei’s principles of Elemental unity and harmony to oppose unnatural foreign magic, using the energy of Fire as a focus. Purity of Shinsei ends the effects of a gaijin spell or spell-like effect. Typically this means targeting an individual who is being afflicted by an ongoing gaijin spell effect (such as a samurai laboring under a foreign curse), though it can also target an effect which is not afflicting a specific individual (such as a foreign curse on a castle, a village, or a physical item). The GM has final discretion on whether a particular gaijin magic effect can be countered with Purity of Shinsei. If the optional Counterspelling rules as in use, the GM may opt to let a shugenja who knows this spell attempt to Counterspell meishodo spells and gaijin magic.

Area of Effect
One target person/effect
Range (+10’ per Raise)
Area of Effect (+1