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Akodo Kensai [Bushi]

The samurai of the Lion Clan value tradition above all else, and many Lion warriors follow directly in the footsteps of their ancestors. While other weapons may be better suited for the battlefield, the katana remains the icon of samurai culture. The Akodo Kensai focuses exclusively on this weapon until he can overcome its deficiencies. He pours thousands of hours of practice into kata, kenjutsu, and iaijutsu until he has a profound connection with the weapon. When he is ready, the Kensai can move and attack as if the katana were a very part of his body. He strikes with almost supernatural ease, with a grace and beauty that enthralls any who watch him.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesAny Lion Bushi 4
  • RequirementsIaijutsu 4, Kenjutsu 5, Prodigy Advantage
  • TechniqueThe Heart of the Sword - The Akodo Kensai navigates the battlefield with his katana in his hands. He remains untouched by his enemies around him, for he can direct the flow of combat with his own attacks. While using a sword and in the Attack Stance, you may increase your Armor TN by your Honor Rank against the first melee attack of each Combat Round. Additionally, once per skirmish you may activate a Kata as a Free Action.

Akodo Siege Strategist [Bushi]

Founded by Akodo Keiichi, the Akodo Siege Strategists are trained in the art of defeating enemy castles as quickly and efficiently as possible. While they do not possess the sheer flexibility or depth of knowledge of the Kaiu Engineers, the Siege Strategist are nonetheless quite capable in their specific role. The Lion Clan's rapid capture of many enemy castles over the centuries, such as Shiro no Yogin and Kenson Gakka, is largely due to the skillful tactics of the Siege Strategist.

  • Technique Rank2 or 4
  • ReplacesAkodo Bushi 4 or Akodo Tactical Master 2
  • RequirementsBattle (Mass Battle) 6, Engineering (Seige) 4
  • TechniqueBroken by Tactics - The Akodo family's mastery of warfare does extend to sieges, and while their expertise in that domain is not so great as the Kaiu, they have attack castles over the centuries to make it a specific topic of study at the Akodo War College. When you are on the attacking side in a siege, your expertise makes it easier for your side to overcome the castle's defenses. When rolling on the Mass Battle Table under those circumstances, you always receive a Heroic Opportunity, regardless of the normal result. Any structures on the opposing side suffer a 50% penalty to their Reduction, due to your superior understanding of their weaknesses (This penalty is applied after any defending bonus to their Reduction).

De Bellis Legionnaire [Bushi]

A generation ago the Lion Clan came into possession of a most curious gaijin artifact, one of those things called a "book." But this was not simply any book, but rather a copy of De Bellis Yoditorum: an ancient treatise on the many tactics and strategies employed by the Yodotai, a vast and ruthless culture of warriors that lies far north and west of Rokugan. After significant difficulty, the Lion scholars were able to translate the text into the Rokugani language, and examination of its contents began in earnest.

Although the Lion have considerable appreciation for the information in the book, its existence has only enhanced their disgust toward cultures other than their own. Nevertheless, they have carefully studied everything within, training special units of their soldiers to employ and to counter the gaijin tactics on the field of battle. Some among the Lion believe their understanding of the book has placed them in a unique position to defeat the Yodotai, should those conquerors ever trouble the Empire. However, scholars who are more familiar with the text are deeply troubled by references that imply it is but one of a larger series of works.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesAkodo Bushi 4, Matsu Bushi 4
  • RequirementsBattle 3, Lore: Gaijin (Yodotai) 1
  • TechniqueI Stand with My Brothers - Students of Yodotai tactics have honed their ability to fight as a unit to an even greater degree than normal for a Lion army, which is no mean feat. At the beginning of a skirmish, you may make a Battle / Awareness Skill Roll (TN 15) as a Free Action. If successful, you gain a number of bonus unkept dice equal to the number of allies in your group, plus one for each Raise made on the Battle roll. You may not gain more total bonus dice than twice your School Rank. You may use these bonus dice on any attack or damage rolls during the current skirmish, but cannot use more on any one roll than your School Rank. During Stance declaration, when assuming the Full Defense Stance, you may also spend these dice on your Defense Skill Roll. Unused bonus dice are lost at the end of the skirmish.

Bishamon's Chosen [Shugenja] [CR]

The Lion Clan is home to the greatest armies and generals of the Empire. The martial tradition is the center of every Lion samurai, be he a priest or a warrior. The Kitsu family largely favors the traditional paths of priesthood, but the Kitsu shugenja do not shirk their duties to the clan. Bishamon's Chosen learn to wield weapons and march into battle beside their bushi brethren. Their fervor and dedication to the Celestial Order remains pure, however, whether in the sanctity of the temple or in the chaos of the battlefield.

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesKitsu Shugenja 3
  • RequirementsBattle 3
  • TechniqueScion of Strength - The Fortune of Strength shows obvious favor to those who follow his teachings without question or reservation. You may expend a spell slot as a Free Action to gain a bonus of +1k0 to any Strength-based roll, including the damage roll of a melee weapon. You may also expend a spell slot in this manner to gain a bonus of +1k0 to the Spell Casting roll made for any spell with the Battle descriptor.

Deathseeker [Bushi] [CR]

A Lion bushi holds bushido and his ancestors above all else. When he shames his ancestors by dishonoring his name, he has lost the center of his soul. He must cleanse the dishonor, typically by committing seppuku. However, the Lion also offer another choice: fighting with the Deathseekers, a unity of lightly armored warriors who seek death at the front lines of battle. They charge in without abandon and cut down their foes with no hesitation. Most Deathseekers do not survive even one year of duty.

  • Technique Rank1
  • ReplacesAny Lion Bushi School 1
  • RequirementsHonor Rank 5+
  • TechniqueHonor of the Lion - Deathseekers redeem their dishonored names by falling in the thick of battle. You gain the Benefit, Skills, Honor, and Outfit of a Rank 1 Lion bushi (any Lion bushi school). You may add your Honor Rank to the total of one damage roll during your Turn. If you do so, your Armor TN is reduced by 5 until the Reactions Stage of the following Combat Round. Additionally, you add +1k0 to attack rolls while in the Full attack Stance.

Ikoma Historians [Courtier]

The Ikoma Historians are a specialized sub-group within the Ikoma courtly schools, recruiting students from both the Omoidasu and the Lion’s Shadow. They are an elite group within the family, charged with supervising the Empire’s official histories, and regard their duties as a sacred trust. They frequently make use of their access to the secrets of the Empire’s history to protect both Imperial and Lion interests, and most of the members of the hidden Ikoma-Shosuro alliance are drawn from their ranks.

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesIkoma Bard 3, Ikoma Lion’s Shadow 3
  • RequirementsLore: History 5
  • TechniqueThe Past and the Present - The Ikoma Historians are tasked with comprehensively recording the official histories of the Empire - and also with concealing inconvenient aspects of that history. You are expected to always be ready to record the events around you, and as such you are trained to memorize and perfectly recall anything worthy of inclusion in the historical records. When you take this Path, you acquire the Advantage Forbidden Knowledge (Empire’s True History). You gain a Free Raise on all Calligraphy rolls and you may roll Lore: History / Intelligence at TN 25 to accurately recount any incident you have witnessed and any story you have heard, down to the smallest detail - including details you may have missed at the time.

Ikoma Orator [Courtier] [S&F]

Although all traditional Ikoma are trained as battle-criers, inspiring their fellow Lion on the field by recounting the deeds of their ancestors, some in the clan have found ways to adapt such methods for the courts. The Lion historians credit the first Orator as Ikoma Tasuki, a skilled courtier from the time of the Gozoku, whose intense speeches on behalf of the Empress Yugozohime were instrumental in cementing her power and convincing many former Gozoku from the Crane and Phoenix to retire or commit seppuku. After his fortieth birthday, Tasuki was permitted to start a dojo and teach his speech-making methods to other Ikoma.

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesIkoma Bard 3
  • RequirementsSincerity 4, Lore: Bushido 3, Perform: Oratory 4
  • TechniqueThe Voice of Bushido - The Orators use their speechmaking powers to draw attention to the honor of their side and the dishonor of their foes. You must give a speech (suggested of at least five minutes’ length) before a court or similar audience to activate this Technique. If you are targeting an ally with the speech, you roll Perform: Oratory / Awareness at TN 30. If you are targeting an enemy, you either make the same roll (if the enemy does not respond), or make a Contested Social Roll of your Perform: Oratory / Awareness against his Sincerity / Awareness (if he does respond).A successful speech for an ally grants that ally one of the Paragon of Bushido Advantages for one week, while a successful speech against an enemy inflicts one of the Failure of Bushido Disadvantages on that enemy for one week. (If the enemy character has the corresponding Paragon of Bushido Advantage, you instead deny the use of that Advantage for one week.) You cannot affect the same person with this Technique twice in the same month. GM’s Options: GMs who wish to add more depth to the Ikoma Orator’s abilities may choose to let the target’s onor, Glory, and Infamy affect the rolls required to use the Voice of Bushido technique. When targeting an ally, the TN to bestow the Advantage is reduced by the target’s Honor Rank and Glory Rank, but increased by his Infamy Rank (if any). When targeting an enemy, the reverse applies - Honor and Glory increase the TN, while Infamy reduces it.

Ikoma Scrapper [Bushi] [S&F]

It is sometimes forgotten that Ikoma was not only a storyteller but also a rather vicious hand-to-hand fighter. In modern times, much of Ikoma’s less-reputable legacy is found in the obscure Lion’s Shadow school, but the Lion Clan also maintains a more public and honorable dojo which teaches a simple hand-to-hand technique inspired by Ikoma’s legacy.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesAkodo Bushi 4, Matsu Berserker 4, Ikoma Lion’s Shadow 4, Ikoma Bard 4
  • RequirementsStrength 4, Jiujutsu 5
  • TechniqueEvery Scar Has a Name - The Scrapper learns that so long as he can call on the same courage and ruthlessness as Ikoma himself, he is never truly unarmed. You may attack as a Simple Action with unarmed strikes and improvised weapons (if you did not already have the ability to do so). Your vicious attacks can disorient and terrify your opponents. Once per skirmish, if you strike unarmed or with an improvised weapon, you may call two Raises to make your attack inflict a Fear effect on the target, with a Rank equal to your Insight Rank.

Ikoma Warden [Bushi]

Although it was not until the Unicorn Clan returned to the Empire that the armies of the Great Clans truly embraced the value of cavalry forces, the Lion had maintained a small cavalry force for centuries before that, dating back almost to the time of the Empire’s founding. While the Akodo and the Matsu have always prepared for war, the Ikoma have often been relegated to ensuring the security and lawfulness of the Lion provinces. For this reason, the Ikoma Wardens were created. The wardens exist to patrol the perimeter and interior of the Lion provinces, traditionally moving along well-traveled and carefully controlled routes throughout the land. They hold magistrate status within the clan, although if they attempt to use this authority outside the rather limited parameters of their normal activities they can be called upon to explain themselves by virtually anyone. The wardens are easily the most capable horsemen in the Lion Clan, and are frequently called upon to supply cavalry forces not only for the Ikoma army, but the Akodo and Matsu forces as well. For this reason, those families often send individuals to train with their Ikoma cousins, and the number of wardens serving the clan at any one time is much larger than one would expect from a group intended for patrol and law enforcement.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesAkodo Bushi 2 or Ikoma Lions Shadow 2
  • RequirementsHorsemanship 3
  • TechniqueTo Race the Wind - A true warden understands that mounted warfare is as natural as fighting among the glorious Lion infantry. When Mounted, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to all Bugei Skill Rolls. Additionally, when spending a Void Point to augment a Horsemanship or Investigation Skill Roll, you gain a bonus of +2k2 instead of +1k1.

Kitsu Spirit Legion [Shugenja]

Formed during the twelfth century, the Spirit Legion is comprised of a handful of Kitsu shugenja with the ability to reach across the boundaries of the Spirit Realms and summon the spirits of those realms to serve them. The ability cannot be taught - one must be born to it = and those with the gift are quite rare.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesKitsu Shugenja 4
  • RequirementsMust be born with the spiritual gifts required to serve in the Spirit Legion. This is essentially a character-development/role-play constraint which should be discussed between player and GM.
  • TechniqueThe Legions of the Dead - The handful of Spirit Legionnaires are able to pull aside the veil of the Spirit Realms and call forth the spirits themselves to defend their family. You may conduct a ritual that opens a portal and summons forth a spirit to fight in your place. This is a Complex Action that requires you to expend 2 spell slots associated with one Element of your choice and spend a Void Point. the spirit appears as an armored warrior with the Spirit trait and with all Rings at 2 except for the Ring whose slots you sacrificed; that Ring begins at 3. The spirit is considered to have Kenjutsu 3 and Defense 2, and is equipped with a spectral daisho and light armor. These spirits remain in the mortal realm for a number of hours equal to your Kitsu Shugenja School Rank, or until dismissed by you.

Lion Paragon [Bushi]

The samurai class lives by the Code of Bushido, but the stresses and temptations of everyday life makes strict adherence to Bushido nearly impossible. The Lion Paragons persevere through these obstacles, striving to be ideal samurai. The Paragons follow an ancient technique that benefits from their focus and strength of will, and pass it on to those who possess the same qualities. The Paragons are well known to all Lion and their technique continues to be passed down from one generation to the next.

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesAny Lion Bushi 3
  • RequirementsVoid Ring 4, Kenjutsu 5, Honor Rank 7
  • TechniquePure and Dedicated - The Lion Paragon lives by the tenets of Bushido, and the strength of his devotion allows him to push himself beyond his physical limits. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action. However, if you choose to do so, you may only make one attack that Turn. (This prohibits you from making any additional attacks, even with the Extra Attack Maneuver.) Once per skirmish, you may spend a Void Point as a Free Action to activate this Technique. Your Honor Rank is considered to be double for the purposes of your other School Techniques. (For example, if you are a Matsu Bushi, you add double your Honor Rank to all damage rolls from your Rank 1 Technique.) This effect may increase your Honor Rank above 10, but does not stack with any other effects that modify Technique bonuses; in such a case, choose the highest modifier. The effects of this Technique end when the encounter ends.

Lion Scout [Bushi]

Akodo's treatise on warfare emphasized the necessity of knowledge. He knew a skilled corps of scouts could determine the result of battle even before it began. Hiding is considered a dishonorable act, but the Lion Scouts are willing to swallow their pride and accomplish what must be done. The Akodo and Ikoma both train scouts to be adept at avoiding the enemy and surveying the terrain, working to garner even the slightest advantage against their enemies.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesAny Lion Bushi 2
  • RequirementsBattle 2, Hunting 3
  • TechniqueShadow Unseen - The Lion Scout cultivates all the skills required to fulfill his tasks, setting aside his own honor for his clan. You may move at a normal rate while using the Stealth Skill, and you gain a +1k0 bonus to Stealth Skill Rolls and all Agility-based Bugei Skills.

Lion Tactician (Ikoma Tactician) [Bushi] [S&F]

The Lion Clan’s famous War College is best known for training the brilliant shireikan and generals known as the Akodo Tactical Masters. However, the school also offers specialized training to the most promising lower ranking officers, such as gunso and chui, to enhance the performance of smaller units in the Lion armies. Through most of the Empire’s history these men are known simply as Lion Tacticians, but in the twelfth century the generation-long disbandment of the Akodo family results in a large number of Ikoma samurai training in this technique, and many Lion take to calling them the Ikoma Tacticians.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesAny Lion Bushi 4, Ikoma Bard 4
  • RequirementsBattle 4, War Fan 4, must be at least a Gunso in rank.
  • TechniqueThe Commander's Fan - Lion officers usually carry a war-fan in order to use it for conveying orders on the battlefield. Early on, they discovered the fan could also be used to protect themselves when they came under attack on the battlefield. You gain a +1k1 bonus to Battle (Mass Battle) rolls in any situation where your war-fan makes it easier for you to convey orders (GM’s discretion). While you are carrying a war-fan (regardless of which hand you are using), you may add half your Warfans Skill Rank (rounded up) to your Armor TN. If you are in the Defense or Full Defense Stance, or you are ONLY carrying a war-fan, you may add your full Skill Rank instead. (These do not stack, and carrying two war-fans does not double the bonus.)

Lioness Legion [Bushi]

Founded centuries ago by a legendary Matsu sensei, the Lioness Legion has since its inception been feared by the clan’s enemies for the sheer speed with which it can assault any enemy fortification, no matter how distant. Indeed, it is said by those who have had the grave misfortune of facing the Lioness Legion in battle that they combine the speed of cavalry with the unbridled ferocity of the Matsu, a combination that would give nightmares to any rational enemy commander. The Lioness Legion is typically composed of very young warriors, women in the prime of their physical condition, who are chosen for their natural athleticism and trained ruthlessly to exploit that advantage, as well as to combine it with advanced martial training. Although males are not permitted to join the unit, the techniques used in their training have been granted to lesser sensei among the family and a male equivalent unit, the Lion’s Mane, have begun to take the field of battle in certain engagements.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesMatsu Berserker 2, Akodo Bushi 2, or Matsu Beastmaster 2
  • RequirementsAthletics 3
  • TechniqueCharge of the Pride - The Lioness Legion is feared for many reasons, but the greatest among them is their fleetness on the field of battle. When in the Full Attack Stance, any movement you make during the course of the Round gains an additional 5 feet (this benefit is only gained once per Round). Additionally, as a Complex Move Action, you may move your Water Ring x25 feet.

The Disciples of the River [Shugenja]

Founded by Kitsu Sonosuke, the Disciples recruit those in the Kitsu family who are talented shugenja but lack the pure bloodlines to become Sodan-Senzo or the militant spirit to join Bishamon’s Chosen. They devote themselves to venerating the spirits of the Empire’s rivers, great and small, and their power serves the Lion Clan in many ways, from irrigating local rice paddies to defending the clan’s northern border or moving troops and supplies safely along waterways. The Disciples are seen as eccentric but well-meaning and honorable by the rest of their clan. New Alternate Path:

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesKitsu Shugenja 3
  • RequirementsWay of the Land Advantage for an area with a river.
  • TechniqueServant of the River - The Disciples of the River take the concept of Water magic much more literally than do most of the Kitsu family. Their approach is more like that of a Phoenix, although none would ever admit such (and they would be insulted by the comparison). When casting a Water spell while standing within one hundred feet of a naturally occurring river, you gain one Free Raise on that spell.