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Fire and Air

This spell capitalizes on the explosive relationship between Fire and Air to combine offensive and defensive effects. The Fire spirits unleash a blast of flame to scorch the caster’s enemies, while the Air spirits call on the invigorating power of this flame to lift the caster through the air to a safer location nearby. Everyone other than the caster within the spell’s area of effect takes XkX in fire damage (where X is the caster’s Fire), while the caster flies up through the air and lands up to his Air x20’ away, the Air spirits cushioning his descent so he is unharmed.

Wings of the Phoenix

The Phoenix is one of the most powerful symbols of Fire known to the Rokugani, and this spell calls on the essence of that being to grant its casters the power of flight. When this spell is cast, you summon clouds of Fire kami who take the form of giant wings sprouting from your back. You gain the ability to fly for the duration of the spell, moving at a speed of Water x 10 for a Free Action or Water x 20 for a Simple Action. If you are airborne when the spell expires, the Fire kami will bear you down to earth before departing.

Wings of Fire

This prayer is a simpler and less potent form of the spell Wings of the Phoenix, although it is also slightly more flexible in that it does not require a suit of armor to act as an "anchor" for the Fire kami. When this spell is cast, a cloud of Fire kami gather and take the form of large feathery wings sprouting from the caster’s arms and back. The caster may use these wings to fly slowly (normally moving at a speed equal to Water 1, regardless of his actual Water Ring). If the caster is able to glide (e.g.

Opening the Veil

This prayer, a spell known only to the Kitsu and Isawa, invokes the Travel aspect of Water to open a temporary portal into the Spirit Realms. The spell can normally only access the realms of Meido or Chikushudo, but extremely powerful casters can sometimes access Yomi, Sakkaku, Toshigoku, Yume-do, or Gaki-do. The portal lasts only a short time, so passage through it is fraught with risk.

Also, this spell cannot work in any area which has been warded against the infuences of the Spirit Realms (GM’s discretion).

Hands of the Tides

The exchange of energy via Water is a simple matter that can ultimately lead to the exchange of flesh as well. Within the area of effect of this spell, you may choose a number of willing targets up to your Water Ring. You may switch the positions among those targets as you see fit, exchanging one for another. At the end of the spell, there must be a person in every position that was occupied when the spell began, but who is located where can vary depending upon the number of people affected.

Within the Waves

This spell was originally devised by Isawa shugenja trying to locate the legendary undersea kingdom which was supposedly the home of Shiba’s wife. Although they never succeeded in that goal, the spell they created has seen considerable use in the centuries since. Within the Waves persuades the Water kami to hold themselves away from the caster in a spherical formation, thereby forming an air bubble around him. The caster can move the bubble by concentrating, allowing him to explore freely beneath the surface of a river, lake, or even the ocean.

Walking Upon the Waves

The Water kami buoy those who carry their favor and grant them passage. The target of this spell may move across the surface of water as if it were solid ground (Basic Terrain). If the surface of the water is disturbed, as by a storm, rolling waves, or any other similar event, it counts as Difficult Terrain.

Yuki's Touch

This spell, named after the legendary spirit known as the Yuki no Onna, persuades the Water spirits in a stream, river, or lake to expel all Fire from their presence, causing the water to instantly freeze. A single natural body of water freezes solid out to a distance of 100’ from the caster. Although this has uses in combat, the most frequent employment of the spell is to allow travelers or soldiers to cross water barriers. Any persons or creatures within the water will be trapped, and if they are under the surface they will suffocate (treat as Drowning).