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This prayer is a simpler and less potent form of the spell Wings of the Phoenix, although it is also slightly more flexible in that it does not require a suit of armor to act as an "anchor" for the Fire kami. When this spell is cast, a cloud of Fire kami gather and take the form of large feathery wings sprouting from the caster’s arms and back. The caster may use these wings to fly slowly (normally moving at a speed equal to Water 1, regardless of his actual Water Ring). If the caster is able to glide (e.g. he is already at a significant height above the ground), he can move more quickly, as though he is Water 4. While the spell is in effect, the caster cannot use his arms for anything but flapping and moving his fiery wings, severely limiting his potential actions; also, he will set fire to any easily flammable objects (such as paper or spell scrolls) he touches, although the Fire kami will avoid harming his clothes. When the spell ends, the Fire kami immediately disperse, regardless of whether the caster is on the ground or in the air - unlike the friendly Air kami, the mercurial and aggressive Fire kami do not particularly care about the caster’s fate once they depart.

Area of Effect
10 minutes
Duration (+5 minutes per Raise)
Special (move at +1 Water Rank for 3 Raises)