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This spell was originally devised by Isawa shugenja trying to locate the legendary undersea kingdom which was supposedly the home of Shiba’s wife. Although they never succeeded in that goal, the spell they created has seen considerable use in the centuries since. Within the Waves persuades the Water kami to hold themselves away from the caster in a spherical formation, thereby forming an air bubble around him. The caster can move the bubble by concentrating, allowing him to explore freely beneath the surface of a river, lake, or even the ocean. (Such movement is at the normal speed based on the caster’s Water.) Other persons can enter and leave the bubble by swimming, and a skilled caster can carry a few passengers along within the bubble’s center. When the spell’s duration expires, the Water kami push the bubble to the surface.

Area of Effect
10’ diameter sphere
One hour
Duration (+1/2 hour per Raise)
Special (add an additional person within the bubble for three Raises)