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Wave-Borne Speed

The speed of the river can be imparted by knowledgeable shugenja. Your Water Ring is increased by 2 for the purposes of determining how far you may move as part of any Move Actions made during the present Round or the following Round.

The Rushing Wave

You can temporarily increase the speed of your target. This spell allows the target to make a Free Move Action of up his Water Ring x 10' (instead of the normal x 5'). Without Raises for Duration, this benefit must be used on the target's next Turn or it is lost.

Speed of the Waterfall

Those filled with the essence of water find their movement far faster than ever before. The target of this spell may move a total distance per round equal to their Water x 20' plus an amount equal to twice your Water Ring. This spell does not grant the target additional movement, it simply increases the maximum possible amount they can move during a Round for the duration of the spell.

Tenjin's Ear

Named after the Fortune of Scribes, this powerful invocation was originally created by the Unicorn and derived from their secret Meishodo magic. So far as anyone knows, the spell has never been taught to anyone outside of the Unicorn Clan. The spell persuades the Air kami to carry the true meaning of words to the caster's ear, allowing him to perceive the tongue of foreigners. for the duration of the spell, all audible human speech within the area of effect is made intelligible to the caster, regardless of what language is used.

Request to Hato-no-Kami

A specialized variation of Nature's Touch, this spell is a prayer to the Fortunes that is carried by air kami to the ears of a random bird within the spell's range. (If no bird is available, the spell as no effect.) The bird flies down and lands on the caster's hand, and the caster may instruct it to perform a simple task (such as carrying a message or distracting an enemy) for the duration of the spell.

Call Upon the Wind

The winds can lift and buoy, carrying even the heaviest burden into the skies for short periods. The target of this spell gains a limited form of flight, allowing him to move through the air unimpeded. The target of the spell may make Free Move Actions, but not Simple Move Actions, and never move more than 10' per round. Heavy winds can interfere with this movement or prevent it altogether. At the end of the spell's duration, the target drifts harmlessly to the ground, no matter how high he might be.

Hands of Clay

This spell infuses Earth spirits into the hands and feet of the caster, allowing them to merge with the Earth found in wood, earth, and stone. This allows the caster to walk and climb along sheer surfaces, including walls and cliffs, at half his normal movement speed (rounded up). He can even hand from ceilings and move along them, although in that case he can only move 3' with a Simple Action. When the spell ends, the effect concludes without warning, possibly leading to a painful fall.

Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin

This spell allows the target (who can be the caster or one other person) to literally dive into the ground, which becomes as clear and easy to traverse as water for him. He can see for a distance of 100 yards through the earth, and can move through it in any direction as easily as though he were in normal air. The target can see through the edge of the earth into the normal world, but he cannot attack, cast spells, speak, hear, or otherwise interact with those outside the earth unless he emerges from the ground (at which point the spell immediately ends).