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A specialized variation of Nature's Touch, this spell is a prayer to the Fortunes that is carried by air kami to the ears of a random bird within the spell's range. (If no bird is available, the spell as no effect.) The bird flies down and lands on the caster's hand, and the caster may instruct it to perform a simple task (such as carrying a message or distracting an enemy) for the duration of the spell. With a successful Animal Handling / Awareness roll at TN 20, the caster may persuade the bird to perform a more complex task, such as searching the area for potential enemies and reporting back. This sort of task is subject to the GM's judgement, since if the task is too complex the bird will not be able to comprehend it.

In either case, the bird will not take suicidal actions (such as flying into a fire) and will immediately break off and flee if it is injured.

Area of Effect
1 bird
1 hour
Range (+50' per Raise)
Duration (+1 hour per Raise)