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Soul Sword

One of the more powerful and complex multi-Element spells known, this Agasha spell is the ultimate expression of the Elemental Weapon spells, combining all four Elements to create a weapon of pure Elemental power. The weapon takes the form of a 5k4 katana and is wielded using the Kenjutsu Skill, but with a +2k2 bonus to attack rolls as the spirits within the blade guide it toward its foes. The Soul Sword is considered to have the properties of both Jade and Crystal for the purpose of who can be harmed by it, and it ignores all effects of enemy armor (both Armor TN and Reduction).

The Soul's Blade

This spell imbues incredibly powerful Fire kami into a weapon, granting it the full fury of a raging firestorm. A bushi armed with this weapon is a terrible opponent, for the Fire spirits shock and daze his enemies with every blow. For the duration of the spell, the weapon will overcome Invulnerability, and every target hit with it is automatically Stunned.

Hungry Blade

This spell is a more potent version of Biting Steel, designed to enhance any weapon rather than merely a sword. The spell strengthens the Fire spirits in a single target weapon, causing them to come forth and form a faint sheath of fire around it. The weapon's wielder adds +1k0 to all attack rolls, and all of his damage dice explode on a result of 8 or better. Each die can explode on an 8 or 9 only once per roll, however, even if the wielder has other effects that allow the die to explode on 9s.

The Raging Forge

Fire is the element of creation as well as destruction, and a skilled shugenja can use this to great effect. This spell invokes the powers of the forge, mighty and merciless, to remake a material item, such as a weapon or suit of armor, into its perfect form. The target item loses all blemishes, including cracks and nicks. This spell cannot repair an item which has actually been broken or destroyed, however, it can only affect items that are of ordinary quality.

Katana of Fire

You summon a blade of pure fire, blazing like the soul of an honorable warrior. The weapon's default form is a katana, but one Raise can change its form to any other sword of your choosing. The katana has a DR of 2k2. When wielding this weapon, you may use your School Rank in place of your Kenjutsu Skill if you wish. If you do possess the Kenjutsu Skill, you add your Honor Rank to all damage rolls made with this weapon. the katana of fire disappears if it is lost from your hand. Instead of summoning the katana for yourself, you may cause it to appear in the hands of an ally within 20 feet.

Biting Steel

Fire spirits can infuse metal with their own fury, turning a sharp edge into a supremely perfect one. This spell enhances the damage of steel bladed weapons, such as swords, knives, naginata, etc. Biting Steel cannot affect weapons which are not metal blades, which are nemuranai, or which have already been enhanced by magical effects. The weapon's DR is increased by 1k1 for the duration of the spell.

Inari's Blessing

Inari is the Fortune of Rice, and one of the most beloved of all divine entities throughout the Empire. this spell invokes Inari's blessing, and creates nourishing food and drink at your command. This spell generates enough food and drink to sustain a number of individuals equal to your School Rank +1 for one day. Without Raises, this food is bland but sustaining, such as unflavored rice and water, but with Raises, you can increase the quality of the food to seafood or tea at the GM's discretion. The TN to cast this spell is doubled when in the Shadowlands.

Bo of Water

You summon a staff of pure water, as rigid as the real thing despite its fluid nature. The weapon's default form is a bo, but one Raise can change its form to any other staff of your choosing. The weapon has DR 1k2. If you do not possess the Staves Skill, you may instead use your School Rank in its place. If you do possess the Staves Skill, using this weapon grants you one Free Raise that can only be used on the Knockdown Maneuver. This weapon disappears if it is lost from your hand.

Netsuke of Wind

Although it requires great favor, the air kami are willing to coalesce into a solid form for a short period of time if they are fond enough of the priest asking them. You may create a small object out of the air itself, something that can be held in one or both hands and that does not weigh more than twenty pounds at most. This creation is an illusion, but it can be used functionally, including damage if it is a weapon. The object disappears completely at the end of the spell's duration.

Mists of Illusion

With greater fluency with the kami comes the ability to craft increasingly convincing images from the stuff of the wind itself. You may create illusions of any object, individual, or image that you can imagine. These images are stationary, and they must fit within the spell's area of effect, but they can be as simple or complex as desired. These illusions are visual only, with no auditory component, no odors, etc.