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Considered by many shugenja to be the ultimate spell for opposing the creatures of the Shadowlands, this spell calls on the purest of Earth spirits, those of jade, to consume the very Taint within the target. The spell can only affect a target who has at least one full Rank of Shadowlands Taint, but if the spell fails, the caster will not automatically know that the target is Taint-free - there is always the possibility that the target was able to resist the spell.

When Tomb of Jade is cast, the target is momentarily immobilized as the Earth spirits enter his body. Each round, starting with the first round, the caster must make a Contested Earth roll against the target. If the target wins, the spell ends. If the caster wins, the target takes 2k2 Wounds as the spirits begin to transform his body into jade. This continues each round until the target successfully resists, the caster stops concentrating, or the target dies. Those killed by this spell are transformed into statues of pure jade, which crumbles away into mundane dust in 24 hours.

Source Book
Area of Effect
1 target creature
Range (+10')
Special (Contested Roll
+1k1 to caster for each Raise)