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Purge the Weak

This unpleasant curse ruins food and drink, rendering it foul, diseased, and inedible. The effects of the spell are obvious : food becomes rotten, water turns foul and discolored, and so forth. The food and water lose all nutritional value and anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a -3k0 penalty to all Skill, Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. The illness is incurable with medical treatment and will last for two weeks unless magically cured.

Heart of the Damned

A foul necromantic ritual, first practiced by Iuchiban himself, this spell calls on the strength of the dead to enhance the living. The caster must touch a recently-dead human corpse (dead within the last day) when casting the spell. The corpse shrivels and rots away as the caster draws on its essence, reddish-black energy flowing out of the dead body and into the caster. The caster heals 2k2 Wounds and regains 1 Rank in any Ring or Trait which has been reduced below its normal level.

Blood Rite

A deceptive spell which allows many maho-tsukai to masquerade as noble priests, healing the injured. This spell convinces the kansen to fl ow into the target, stimulating his flesh to heal and knit itself closed, and stimulating his body to feats of physical prowess. The target immediately heals 1k1 Wounds, and for the duration of the spell one of his physical Traits (chosen by the caster) is treated as one Rank higher.

Soldiers of Clay

Most famously used by Isawa Tadaka and Isawa Sezaru in the early twelfth century, this powerful variation of Rise, Earth is found solely in the Phoenix libraries. Thus far the Phoenix have not shared it with any other clan, although they seriously considered doing so during the Kali-Ma Invasion. Depending on specific campaign settings, the GM could also have this spell introduced to the wider Empire in an earlier era. The spell creates ten human-sized warriors, forming them from earth and stone and animating them with the power of the Earth kami which infuse them.

Rise, Earth

The Earth itself arises and takes form to defend you. The ultimate realization of the Summon spell, this prayer summons a massive kami of pure Earth to serve you. It takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shape, roughly ten feet in height, with a broad body and thick limbs all formed of earth and stone. This mighty Earth kami may move up to 5 x your earth per round, and its footsteps shake the earth in a twenty foot radius around it, preventing anyone from making Simple Move Actions within its area of effect.

Prison of Earth

The most powerful of the binding spells which Earth shugenja use to deal with dangerous creatures, this spell can literally imprison the essence of such a creature for as long as the caster desires. Casting this spell requires that the caster possess a gem or pearl in which to imprison the creature (the GM may, discretionally, allow other rare or precious items to be used, such as a beautifully inlaid puzzle-box or a crystal pendant).

Power of the Earth Dragon

This spell is the most powerful of the physically protective Earth spells, calling on the favor of the Dragon of Earth to enshroud the targets with protection against all forms of harm. The Earth spirits absorb all damage which the targets suffer while the spell lasts. However, there are limits to even Earth's endurance. Nemuranai can bypass the protection. Further, if the Earth spirits protecting a specific target absorb a total of 100 Wounds of damage, they will be exhausted and the spell's effects on that target come to an end.

Essence of Jade

This spell calls on the purity of jade to protect its targets against the power of Jigoku, whether manifested as Taint or as the dreaded magic known as maho. The target radiates the sacred green light of jade, and while the spell lasts, he cannot gain the Shadowlands Taint and is completely immune to the effects of all maho spells. This spell cannot be cast on anyone who possesses at least one full Rank of Taint, for the pure jade spirits will recoil from such a corrupt individual, immediately alerting the caster to this individual's Tainted nature.

The Kami's Will

The counterpoint to the Kami's Strength, this spell infuses one person with the stubbornness and determination of Earth, greatly enhancing their willpower and making them all but immune to the effects of elemental magic. The target of this spell increases his Willpower by an amount equal to the caster's Earth Ring, and any spells (friendly or hostile, but not including Maho spells) which target him suffer a penalty of -XkX to their Spell Casting Roll, where X is the caster's Earth Ring.

The Kami's Strength

This spell allows the caster to fortify one person with the power of the Earth, greatly enhancing their physical capabilities and their resistance to damage. The target of the spell gains Reduction of 20 and increases his Strength and one other physical Trait by an amount equal to the caster's Earth Ring. In return, however, the target is weighed down by the burden of Earth and cannot take Simple Move Actions (he can still take a Free Move Action).