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Summon Oni

Among the most hazardous spells in the maho-tsukai’s repertoire, this spell summons forth an oni from Jigoku. The oni appears anywhere the caster desires within the range of the spell, and must immediately be given a name - either the caster’s own name or the name of another person closely connected to the caster (a close friend, immediate blood relative, or someone who owes the caster their life) - or it will simply depart back to Jigoku. A name, however, anchors the oni into Ningen-do and allows it to remain within the mortal realm.

Essence of Undeath

A more powerful form of undead summoning, this spell animates a dead corpse into an undead warrior. Unlike the minor, temporary zombies created by "Summon Undead Champion", this spell binds a kansen into a dead body, creating a powerful Tainted revenant which serves the caster to the best of its ability. The revenant will last indefinitely (until destroyed), and the Taint infusing its body prevents it from decaying further. It cannot speak, but can understand and obey any verbal command. It will serve the maho-tsukai who summoned it until it is physically destroyed.

Death beyond Life

This spell is among the most secret spells employed by the leaders of the Bloodspeaker cult, and is quite rare among maho-tsukai outside of that elite group. It allows the caster to literally cheat death, for himself or another person. The spell must be cast on its target while still alive, and its protective effect normally lasts 24 hours, although skilled spellcasters can extend it. If the target dies within the duration of the spell, powerful kansen will carry his soul away, preventing it from passing on to Meido for judgment.

Spreading the Darkness

This sinister curse is employed by maho-tsukai both to control their own Taint and to spread the gift of Jigoku to others. The spell targets two people, at least one of which must have the Shadowlands Taint. The spell causes some of this Taint to leave that creature and transfer to the other, the kansen gleefully carrying the gift of Jigoku from one creature to the other. The maximum number of Taint points which can be moved in this manner is equal to the caster’s Earth + Insight Rank ; however, it can never remove the last point of Taint from the target.


This spell wracks the target with intense physical pain, shooting up and down the limbs and through the torso. The target falls Prone, helpless with pain, and cannot act on his next Turn. In addition, the target must make a Willpower Trait Roll at TN 20 to avoid crying aloud in pain, which could cause a loss of Honor and/or Glory.

Eternal Unrest

As masters of necromancy, the Chuda often find themselves in need of corpses for their spells and techniques. This ritual is designed to ensure such corpses are always available, regardless of circumstances. It normally requires one hour to complete, although it can be shortened (with Raises) to a minimum of ten minutes. You may target a maximum number of corpses equal to your Taint Rank. At the spell’s conclusion the targeted corpses are prepared for use.

Drain the Soul

This spell causes malignant Earth kansen to afflict the target, draining away his natural Earth and leaving him weak and sickly. For the duration of the spell, the victim’s Stamina rank is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This can cause the victim’s Earth Ring to temporarily drop, reducing his Wound Ranks and making him more vulnerable to injury.

Caress of Fu Leng

This spell summons dark kansen to consume and destroy the substance most inimical to them : jade. The caster may target any one jade item, weapon, or object within the spell’s range (he must be able to see it). The jade is instantly corrupted, its blessed properties annihilated by an overwhelming saturation of Taint. Only a foul black slime is left behind. This spell cannot affect an awakened nemuranai (magical relic) that contains jade.

Summon Undead Champion

This spell is used by maho-tsukai to quickly bring forth undead warriors to protect themselves or slaughter their enemies. It must be cast on a corpse which is within the spell’s range ; it cannot target a living creature. The corpse will be animated by a kansen, rising up and serving the caster as best it can. Mechanically, the animated corpse is considered a zombie (as per the Book of Void, page 331). It obeys any simple commands (such as "kill them" or "wait here") from the maho-tsukai who summoned it.

Suck the Marrow

This unpleasant curse impedes the victim’s ability to heal and recover from injury and sickness. The victim becomes pale and weak, exuding an unpleasant body odor, and is unable to heal Wounds normally or from applications of the Medicine skill. The victim also is unable to recover from illnesses or poisons, and suffers a -2k0 penalty to any roll made to resist the effects of a poison or disease. Magical healing can still affect the target normally.