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Maw of the Earth

This prayer causes the Earth spirits in the ground to wrench open a large pit roughly 20 feet deep, swallowing up anyone in the vicinity. Anyone at or within 10’ of the pit must roll their Reflexes against the caster’s Earth or fall into the pit, suffering 3k2 damage. They are also trapped in the pit until they are rescued or can climb out. (Climbing out of the pit is a Complex Action and requires an Athletics / Strength roll at a TN equal to the pit’s depth in feet.)

Essence of Earth

This spell infuses the target with the true strength of Earth, allowing him to shrug off blows which might otherwise take his life. For the duration of the spell, the target's Earth Ring is considered to be 1 Rank higher, and his Wounds are increased correspondingly. However, when the spell ends, the Earth spirits immediately depart and the target's Wounds return to normal - possibly resulting in death, if he has suffered sufficient injury.

Earth dragon’S War

This spell calls on the power of the Dragon of Earth to protect an area against dangerous spirits. It was originally pioneered by the Isawa but was soon embraced by other shugenja families, especially the Yogo and the Kuni. The spell requires a warding symbol be inscribed on a solid surface (the ground, a wall, etc) prior to casting; this takes five minutes.

Armor of the Emperor

This spell covers the caster in a thick layer of tough, resilient Earth spirits who repel all damage, whether physical blows or magical effects. Any time the caster suffers damage from an enemy physical or magical attack, each individual damage die has its total Reduced by the caster's Shugenja School Rank. This cannot reduce a die's total below 0.

Wooden Prison

This spell entreats the Earth kami inhabiting living plants and trees, causing them to make the plants rapidly grow and twine themselves around a designated target. Within seconds the target finds himself ensnared in a dense tangle of vines, creepers, and branches. The target is automatically Entangled at the moment the spell is cast; on his subsequent Turns, the target may attempt to escape as a Simple Action by making a Contested Strength roll against the plants’ Strength of 4.

The Wolf's Mercy

This spell has existed in Rokugan for centuries, but is best known for its extensive use by Toturi Sezaru, "the Wolf", who employed it during his hunts for Bloodspeakers. It calls on the power of the Earth to afflict the target, weighing down his body and impeding his muscles, leaving him weak and vulnerable.

Time’s Deadly Hand

This spell causes the Earth kami within a physical object to abandon that object, weakening its physical strength. Wood warps and flakes, stone and metal turn weak and brittle, cloth becomes thin and fragile, and so forth. The spell’s effects are permanent.

StriKe as Stone

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to strengthen the target’s hands and forearms, making them as hard as stone. The target’s hands cannot be physically harmed for the duration of the spell (allowing him to perform a variety of feats, such as prying open a lock with his fingers), and his unarmed Damage Rating is increased by +2k0.

Strength of the Crow

This spell infuses the target (who can be the caster) with a powerful resistance to the Shadowlands Taint, repelling the dark kansen of the Taint with the pure power of Earth. For the duration of the spell, the target(s) gain a +5k5 bonus to all rolls made to resist gaining the Shadowlands Taint, and any maho spells suffer a +10 TN penalty to affect them. This bonus does not apply to any rolls made to resist an increase in Taint the target already possesses - it only applies to new Taint gained from outside sources.

Shelter of the Earth

This spell entreats the Earth kami to hide and conceal the targeted creature. Earth flows up to cover the target with a realistic-looking facsimile of some natural object, such as a tree or a boulder; this shell collapses back into loose earth when the spell expires. The target can hear and breathe normally, but has no other interaction with the world outside of the concealing shell of Earth; if he speaks, moves, or is actually hit by an attack, the spell immediately ends and the concealing shell collapses as above.