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This spell entreats the Earth kami inhabiting living plants and trees, causing them to make the plants rapidly grow and twine themselves around a designated target. Within seconds the target finds himself ensnared in a dense tangle of vines, creepers, and branches. The target is automatically Entangled at the moment the spell is cast; on his subsequent Turns, the target may attempt to escape as a Simple Action by making a Contested Strength roll against the plants’ Strength of 4. (Alternatively, the target can be cut free by allies – it takes two Turns’ worth of effort to slash away enough of the plants to free the target.) If the target escapes, or the spell expires, the plants drop away and shrivel up as the Earth kami cease to stimulate them.

This spell can only function in an area where living plants are present, e.g. it will not function inside a building, in a desert, on a barren mountainside, or other such environments. It cannot target a flying creature.

Source Book
Area of Effect
One target creature
5 Rounds
Range (+10’ per Raise)
Duration (+1 Round per Raise)
Special (+1k0 to the plants’ Strength per Raise)