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Sharing the Strength of Many

This spell infuses its targets, up to six people (who can include the caster), with the power of Earth, allowing them each to call upon the Earth of their comrades to bolster their efforts. For the duration of the spell, the lowest Earth Ring Tank among all the targets is added to the total of all Ring, Trait, and Skill rolls (but not Spell Casting rolls) the make.

Purge the Taint

This spell was originally created by the Kuni family and is still primarily practiced by them, although knowledge of its prayers has spread to other Clans. It is an elaborate ritual spell, requiring an hour to cast, that calls on the powers of Earth to purge the land of the Shadowlands Taint, driving out all the evil kansen in the area. The spell will remove the Taint from the land, plant life, and inanimate objects within the area of effect. It will not remove Taint from living creatures, nor will it affect powerful Tainted artifacts or objects made of obsidian.

Murmur of Earth

This spell excites and angers the Earth spirits in the ground around the caster, causing them to briefly shake the ground in the manner of an earthquake; however, the spirits refrain from shaking the ground immediately beneath the caster himself. Although this spell does not produce a true earthquake, the brief tremor can still cause damage and alarm. Any persons within the area of effect must roll Agility at TN 20 or be knocked Prone, suffering 1k1 damage and being Dazed for one Round.

Groves of Stone

This spell is a specialized variation of the more commonprayer known as Wall of Earth. It entreats the Earth spirits to draw an array of huge stones up from the ground, erupting in an instant through most intervening physical obstacles (such as the floor of a house) to create a circular barrier around the caster. The stones are too strong to break through with anything short of a siege engine (against a siege engine they are considered to have 500 Wounds and Reduction 15), but can be clambered over with a Complex Action and a roll of Athletics / Strength against the caster’s Earth x5.

Earthen Wave

Developed by the Kuni as a way to deal with the swarming masses of Shadowlands beasts they would frequently encounter, this spell sends a rolling shockwave through the ground, knocking the unsteady from their feet. The shugenja chooses a direction, and this force shakes the ground immediately in that direction in an area of effect based on the spell and any Raises. All creatures caught in the area of effect must make a Contested roll with their Strength against the Caster’s Earth Ring or be knocked prone as if they had been hit with a Knockdown maneuver.

Earth's Protection

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to protect the area around the caster from the effects o the other three Elements (Air, Fire, and Water) for a short time. While the caster concentrates on maintaining the favor the Earth spirits, the effects of spells which call on those other three elements are mitigated. Any hostile Air, Fire, or Water spell cast within the area of Earth's Protection, or extending its effects into that area, will suffer a +10 TN penalty to the Spell Casting roll.

Earth Kami's Blessing

This spell infuses the target (which may be the caster or one of his allies) with the strength and resilience of the Earth, making him tougher and more firm-minded. For the duration of the spell, the target gains +2 Wounds per Wound Rank, and gains +1k1 on all rolls involving the Earth Ring and its associated Traits. When the spell expires, any Wounds the target has suffered still remain, and this may drive him into a lower Wound Rank or even kill him.

Bonds of Ningen-Do

This spell, a more powerful and specialized form of Minor Binding, is a ritual designed to bind or dispel troublesome creatures from the various spirit realms. Any creature from the realms of Sakkaku, Chikushudo, Gaki-Do, Toshigoku, or Yume-Do can be affected by this spell. Casting it requires 10 minutes, although if additional shugenja who know the spell assist in the ritual, the time is reduced by 1 minute per additional shugenja, to a minimum of 1 minute.

Whispers of the Land

This spell was originally developed by the Kitsune family of the Fox Clan, who used it to help track intruders in the lands of their modest clan. It has since spread to other families who find its properties useful, such as the Yogo and the Kuni. The spell causes the Earth spirits to reveal the tracks of any person who has walked upon them within the last three

days. The surface – whether it be stone, earth, or wood – literally pushes up in the shape of the tracks, creating a clear and easily-followed path.

Wholeness of the World

This spell infuses the target with the strength of Earth to such a degree that his Rings and Traits become wholly resistant to any effort to change them. Any physical or magical effect which would raise or lower his Traits or Rings is completely ineffective for the duration of the spell, as the Eart kami firmly rebuff any such efforts to alter the target's Elemental balance.