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This spell, a more powerful and specialized form of Minor Binding, is a ritual designed to bind or dispel troublesome creatures from the various spirit realms. Any creature from the realms of Sakkaku, Chikushudo, Gaki-Do, Toshigoku, or Yume-Do can be affected by this spell. Casting it requires 10 minutes, although if additional shugenja who know the spell assist in the ritual, the time is reduced by 1 minute per additional shugenja, to a minimum of 1 minute.

If the targeted creature is within range of the caster(s) when the spell is successfully completed, the creature can be either bound or dispelled. If it is bound, it must obey the caster's commands for the duration of the spell, although suicidal commands will break the spell - this is how the Kuni have forced mujina spirits to labor for them in their iron mines. (It should be noted that this use of the spell is considered controversial and even blasphemous by many in Rokugan.) If the creature is dispelled, it immediately leaves Ningen-Do for its native spirit realm, and cannot return until the spell's duration ends. Either way, the spirit creature will regard the caster as an enemy thereafter, and is likely to seek vengeance if it can.

Source Book
Area of Effect
1 target spirit creature
30 days
Duration (+1 day_
Range (+10')
Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)