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This spell excites and angers the Earth spirits in the ground around the caster, causing them to briefly shake the ground in the manner of an earthquake; however, the spirits refrain from shaking the ground immediately beneath the caster himself. Although this spell does not produce a true earthquake, the brief tremor can still cause damage and alarm. Any persons within the area of effect must roll Agility at TN 20 or be knocked Prone, suffering 1k1 damage and being Dazed for one Round. Furnishing and other such items will be knocked over by the tremor, which may have a variety of effects as the GM chooses

(e.g. a table with a lantern falling over might start a fire).

When using the Siege rules from the L5R 4th edition supplement The Great Clans, Murmur of Earth will cause 4k2 damage to all structures within its area of effect, ignoring their Reduction.

Source Book
Area of Effect
100 foot radius around caster
1 round
Area of Effect (+50’ radius per Raise)
Special (+5 to TN per two Raises)