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This spell was originally developed by the Kitsu family of the Lion, but quickly spread to other families due to its value to any army on the field of battle. It calls on the Earth kami to re-arrange the landscape of a battlefield in a manner favorable to his side of the battle. For example, a hillside might shift to allow the caster’s side to charge downhill, or a cliff that shields the enemy flank might change into a gentle slope. The spell awards a +3k2 bonus to any roll made by the commander of the caster’s side to determine who is winning a Mass Battle, and a +1k1 bonus to any Mass Battle Table rolls made by individual samurai on the caster’s side. Because this spell invokes the Earth kami on such a large scale, casting it on both sides of the same battle can lead to a violent spiritual backlash – typically triggering a massive earthquake (equivalent to the Rank 5 spell Earthquake).

Source Book
Centered on Caster
Area of Effect
1 square mile
1 hour (or two Mass Battle Rounds)
Duration (+1/2 hour or one Mass Battle Round per two Raises)