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Surging Soul

In contrast to the more peaceful and healing aspects of Water, this prayer evokes the power of Water on the attack, unleashing a surge of chi through the target’s limbs to empower his strikes. However, the massive surge of Water kami through the body also makes it diffcult for the target to remain still. The recipient of this prayer enjoys a +1k1 bonus to all Attack rolls, but cannot enter or beneft from the Center Stance and must take at least one Move Action every Round for the duration of the spell.

Strength of the Tsunami

This spell calls on Water’s affnity to physical strength. The surge of Water kami through the body briefy enhances the muscles, allowing the targeted person to perform prodigious feats. For the duration of the spell, the target’s Strength Rank is increased by an amount equal to half the caster’s Water Ring (rounded down). This cannot raise the Strength Rank higher than 9.

Stand Against the Waves

A samurai who possesses the speed and strength of the mighty river is a dangerous foe indeed. The target of this spell gains a Simple Action during the Reaction Stage of the current Combat Round. This action may only be used to make an attack. If the target is incapable of making an attack as a Simple Action, this spell grants him a Complex Action instead. This spell cannot aware a shugenja the ability to cast a second spell in the same Round.

Rejuvenating Vapors

Water washes away all that is impure, refreshing and reinvigorating all it touches. The target of this spell is instantly refreshed as if he had just arisen from a full night's sleep. This does not restore spent Void Points, but can eliminate fatigue and exhaustion. When used on a shugenja, this spell does restore the spell slots associated with the Void Ring (which can be used for any elements), but not the spell slots associated with other Rings. Abilities that characters may use a limited number of times per day are not refreshed by this spell.

Reflective Pool

the inscrutable knowledge of water is a great boon to those who know the means by which it can be invoked. you may stare into a body of water, which may be as small as a puddle, and through it view a familiar location as if you were present, although you can only see what is taking place, not hear it. In order for a location to be familiar to you, you must either have spent a great deal of time there (your home, the dojo, a preferred temple, etc.), or have spent a minimum of ten minutes in meditation at the location.

Inari's Blessing

Inari is the Fortune of Rice, and one of the most beloved of all divine entities throughout the Empire. this spell invokes Inari's blessing, and creates nourishing food and drink at your command. This spell generates enough food and drink to sustain a number of individuals equal to your School Rank +1 for one day. Without Raises, this food is bland but sustaining, such as unflavored rice and water, but with Raises, you can increase the quality of the food to seafood or tea at the GM's discretion. The TN to cast this spell is doubled when in the Shadowlands.

Heaven's Tears

This prayer evokes the sorrow of the Heavens, unleashing a brief deluge of rain which is endowed with the spiritual purity of the Sun. The spell summons divine rain from the sky, and thus can only be used effectively outdoors – it cannot cause rain to fall indoors or underground. Those of pure soul (no Taint or Shadow corruption, Honor Rank 4.0 or better) who are bathed in Heaven’s Tears are healed each Round by a number of Wounds equal to the caster’s Water. Conversely, those with Taint or Shadow corruption suffer 1k1 Wounds for each Round they are exposed to the Tears.

The Swell of the Storm

This spell evokes a sudden blast of water that strikes with the heavy, irresistible power of the tide. The water is summoned into existence, fying out from the caster in a heavy mass and striking the target with gentle but nigh-irresistible power. The target must make a Contested Roll of his Strength against the caster’s Water – failure means Knockdown (the target is knocked Prone). The spell will also extinguish any open fames the targets are carrying (torches, lanterns, candles, etc).