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The Rushing Wave

You can temporarily increase the speed of your target. This spell allows the target to make a Free Move Action of up his Water Ring x 10' (instead of the normal x 5'). Without Raises for Duration, this benefit must be used on the target's next Turn or it is lost.

Sympathetic Energies

Energy flows between all living things as water flows through the earth. You may transfer any one existing spell effect from you to the willing target of this spell. With 3 Raises, you may transfer 1 spell effect from one living target to another willing target. You cannot transfer spells between unwilling targets.

Suitengu's Curse

This prayer invokes Suitengu, the Fortune of the Sea, to drag down the target with the weight of his sullen wrath. The target feels a great weight on all his limbs, as though he is trying to swim in heavy seas. Mechanically, Suitengu’s hostility lower’s the target’s Refexes Rank by 1 and causes him to move as though his Water is 1 Rank lower for the duration of the spell.

Speed of the Waterfall

Those filled with the essence of water find their movement far faster than ever before. The target of this spell may move a total distance per round equal to their Water x 20' plus an amount equal to twice your Water Ring. This spell does not grant the target additional movement, it simply increases the maximum possible amount they can move during a Round for the duration of the spell.

Reversal of Fortunes

Versatility is the domain of water, and those who carry its blessing reap the rewards. For the duration of this spell, the target may immediately re-roll any one roll per round. This must be done immediately after the first roll is completed, and the target may keep either result.

Purification of the Kami

This prayer invokes the purity and cleansing strength of the Water kami to purge flth and contamination from a body of water such as a pond, a moat, or some of a stream or river. The caster touches the water as part of the casting ritual, and the purifcation ripples out from that point in waves of glowing light. This spell renders all the water within the area of effect wholly pure and safe to drink, removing all dirt, disease, and toxins. (However, it cannot purge the Taint.) The purifcation is a one-off event and cannot prevent dirt or poison from returning to the water later.

Reflections of Pan Ku

Divining the abilities of an object is among the simplest lessons a student of water learns in the temple. If this spell is successfully cast on an object, you automatically learn all powers and abilities that object possesses. This is most frequently used to identify any supernatural qualities an item possesses, such as a nemuranai or a cursed weapon, but it can also identify the spell contained within a shugenja's prayer scroll. This spell will not allow a shugenja to read a scroll if it is written in a cipher he does not understand, but he can at least identify the spell in question.

Path to Inner Peace

The water kami can influence the flow of water through the body, dramatically hastening the natural healing process. You can use this spell to heal Wounds that another individual has suffered. This spell restores a number of Wounds to the target equal to the amount by which the Spell Casting Roll exceeded the spell's TN to cast.

Ebbing Strength

Energy flows through the universe just as water flows through the mortal shell. You may send your energy to another, weakening yourself and strengthening them in the process. You may reduce any one of your Physical Traits by an amount up to your School Rank. The target of this spell increases the same Physical Trait by the same amount. If your Trait is reduced to 0 as a result of this spell, you immediately fall unconscious and the spell's duration is reduced to 1 round. No Trait may be enhanced above double its normal rank by this spell.