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Strike of the Tsunami

Water is everywhere, and obeys the commands of its favored shugenja. You summon a crushing wave of water that overruns everything in its path. The wave inflicts 3k3 Wounds on everything within the affected area, and all opponents within the area of effect must make an Earth Roll (TN 15) or suffer Knockdown. Obviously, everything within the area of effect is saturated with water.

Silent Waters

The memory of the ocean is infinite, and its vast power can lay in wait for a very long time indeed. Upon completion of a successful casting of this spell, you may immediately cast a second spell of any element. This second spell must be a spell you can normally cast, and it must be of Mastery Level 3 or lower. If the second Spell Casting Roll is successful, the second spell is stored within you, and will not activate until a specific physical effect takes place, which you specify at the time of casting.

Regrow the Wound

Water flows into all things and flows out. In flowing out, it can carry away that which is undesirable. The pain and suffering inflicted by injuries can be channeled away from an individual, and cast into the infinite ocean where they are lost forever. The target of this spell recovers a number of Wounds equal to your Water Ring plus your School Rank each round the spell is in effect. You must touch the target when the spell is cast, but after that it may be maintained without physical contact.

Near to Ice

As water grows durable and resistant with the coming winter, so too can the water within the human from become sterner and more durable. The target of this spell has all current Wound Penalties negated for the duration of the spell. Any additional penalties incurred take full effect, using the difference between the negated penalty and the new penalty as the effective penalty incurred. Wounds are not healed by this effect, they simply cease to inhibit those suffering from them.

Endless Deluge

This spell calls on the Water spirits in the sky to congregate and descend to the earth, unleashing a massive rainstorm. Casting this spell is a ritual requiring at least ten minutes; at the GM’s option, casting this spell in an especially dry region, or during a drought, may require more casting time or require Raises to succeed. Rainclouds gather while the spell is being cast, and once it is completed the clouds open up and rain begins pouring down, continuing without cease for many hours.

Yuki's Touch

This spell, named after the legendary spirit known as the Yuki no Onna, persuades the Water spirits in a stream, river, or lake to expel all Fire from their presence, causing the water to instantly freeze. A single natural body of water freezes solid out to a distance of 100’ from the caster. Although this has uses in combat, the most frequent employment of the spell is to allow travelers or soldiers to cross water barriers. Any persons or creatures within the water will be trapped, and if they are under the surface they will suffocate (treat as Drowning).

Wisdom & Clarity

By entreating the insight of the Water kami, a shugenja may dramatically increase his ability to perceive the world around him. For the duration of this spell, your reading speed doubles, and you will have perfect recall of everything read while under the influence of this spell. This spell does not enhance comprehension, however, so any language or cipher you are not familiar with is still completely indecipherable.

Wave-Borne Speed

The speed of the river can be imparted by knowledgeable shugenja. Your Water Ring is increased by 2 for the purposes of determining how far you may move as part of any Move Actions made during the present Round or the following Round.

The Ties That Bind

Even the lightest touch forges a connection, and through the spirits of water that connection may be explored. This spell allows you to seek out the spirits of Water within a single, specific object. You must be familiar with the object in question, either having spent a great deal of time around it or handled it personally. If the object is within the range of this spell, you will know the direction and relative distance it is from your current position.