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This spell calls on the Water spirits in the sky to congregate and descend to the earth, unleashing a massive rainstorm. Casting this spell is a ritual requiring at least ten minutes; at the GM’s option, casting this spell in an especially dry region, or during a drought, may require more casting time or require Raises to succeed. Rainclouds gather while the spell is being cast, and once it is completed the clouds open up and rain begins pouring down, continuing without cease for many hours.

The chief value of this spell is to extinguish fres (even large confagrations such as forest fres will be doused within a half hour or so) and to abate the effects of drought. However, the relentless pouring rain also obscures visibility and slickens objects, imposing a -1k0 penalty on all physical actions and a -2k0 penalty on ranged attacks. The rain also imposes a -1k1 penalty on Spell Casting Rolls for Fire spells within it, since the relentless water makes the Fire spirits reluctant to act. Finally, due to the large volume of rain over a short period of time, the spell can potentially cause

fash-fooding (GM’s option).

Centered on caster
Area of Effect
1 mile diameter
12 hours
Area of Effect (+1 mile per two Raises)
Duration (+6 hours per Raise)