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The two-sword style of Niten was founded within the Dragon Clan's borders and the evolution of that martial art remains the heart of the Dragon Swordmaster school. The Swordmasters attempt to learn every aspect of this fighting style so they may adapt to any situation they can face on the battlefield. While the Crane Clan's Kenshinzen focus on the art of the iaijutsu duel, the Swordmasters focus on the pragmatic use of the swords in the thick of combat.

Mirumoto Master Sensei

High atop the mountains of the Dragon lands, in remote dojo and obscure strongholds, dwell the Master Sensei of the Mirumoto family - a tiny elite group of men and women who have attained true mastery of not only swordsmanship but also of their bodies and souls. Their primary home is Morning Frost Castle, but they also have several lesser dojo scattered through the most remote and inhospitable corners of the Dragon lands. The Master Sensei are very few in number, seldom exceeding two dozen in total, and those who would join their company must meet with their personal approval.


The iaijutsu duel has always been the domain of the Crane Clan, and the Crane Clan's Kenshinzen are the epitome of the iaijutsu master. They are monsters of single combat, dominating their opponents with both impeccable technique and lethal aura. These warriors put their entire consciousness behind the fast draw and seek perfection of the single strike.

Daidoji Harriers

The exact origins of the Daidoji Harriers are obscure and mysterious. The Crane established a covert training site for unconventional tactics in the ruins of Shiro Giji in the year 330, but for many generations that facility was used merely to train selected Daidoji Scouts in the more ruthless and pragmatic sort of fighting methods. However, at some point the training at Shiro Giji took on a darker and less honorable tone, focusing on the use of truly heinous methods such as sabotage and assassination.

Defender of the Wall

The Crab Clan is the first line of defense against the ravenous creatures of the Shadowlands, so that protective nature has seeped into many of their martial styles. The Defender of the Wall stands firm against the enemies he may face and weathers all the assaults focused in his direction. The Defender of the Wall is the perfect guardian, as he will let the world end before he lets an attacker pass him.

Kshatriya Warrior

This is the standard fighting school of the Ivory Kingdom’s kshatriya warrior caste, whose social role was roughly equivalent to a samurai. The kshatriya are now largely extinct, but a few survivors still carry on their fighting traditions, including Yoritomo Singh within the Mantis Clan. Under normal circumstances this School is only available to Ivinda natives of the kshatriya caste, although some of the techniques are now being studied by the Rokugani group calling itself the Rajya ke Varisa, trying to adapt them to Rokugani war-fighting.

Tanuki Bushi School

The majority of samurai thought the Tanuki were somewhere between lunatics and buffoons, pointing to their large consumption of alcohol and odd superstitions, such as never going outside without wearing a broad straw hat, or bowing to the tanuki effigies at the entrance of their home when coming in. A small minority thought their explorations were bearing fruit though, and found the Shinomen Forest to be a somewhat safer place in their presence.

Jirozame Bushi School

While his origins remained a mystery for all, Jirozame seemed to have received extensive training in both Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu, and passed those talents on to his followers. The original Jirozame samurai were often talented warriors themselves, and honed their skills by "raiding" villages outside their own territory, somewhat like legitimized bandits. Those samurai brave enough to face them found the Shark to be obsessed with the demise of their opponents, with no concerns for their own safety.