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School Type
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Straw Hat, Bo Staff, Sake Flask, Promissory Note, Robes, Traveling Pack, Daisho, and 2 Koku
School Techniques
Just One More Drink - Whenever your character becomes intoxicated by sake, you may double the mechanical effects of spending a Void Point (if applicable). This ability can be used a number of times per session equal to your School Rank. Also, your character can perform the Tea Ceremony with sake. If your character is intoxicated while performing the tea ceremony, participants regain an extra Void Point. You also begin the game knowing two Kiho. You must meet all prerequisites in order to use these Kiho. You may purchase additional Kiho normally as per the rules for a Brotherhood of Shinsei monk. You may also perform Martial Kiho (including Atemi), while using a Bo Staff.