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This is the standard fighting school of the Ivory Kingdom’s kshatriya warrior caste, whose social role was roughly equivalent to a samurai. The kshatriya are now largely extinct, but a few survivors still carry on their fighting traditions, including Yoritomo Singh within the Mantis Clan. Under normal circumstances this School is only available to Ivinda natives of the kshatriya caste, although some of the techniques are now being studied by the Rokugani group calling itself the Rajya ke Varisa, trying to adapt them to Rokugani war-fighting.

School Type
Clan School
School Outfit
Sword, shield, spear, bow, light armor, steed, elegant clothing, 10 koku (equivalent).
School Techniques
Rank One: The Strength of Indra

Kshatriya are taught to be fearless warriors, relying on the strength of Indra the God of War. You gain a +1k0 bonus with all your School Weapon Skills. When rolling to resist a Fear effect, your Willpower is considered one Rank higher.

Rank Two: The Ward of Vishnu

Vishnu the Protector teaches the kshatriya to guard themselves even as they strike down their foes. If you are carrying a shield, on your Turn you may take a Simple Action to make a Contested Roll of Defense / Agility against one opponent’s [Weapon Skill] / Agility. If you succeed, that opponent must call three extra Raises to be able to strike you. This effect lasts until the start of your next Turn.

Rank Three: The Speed of the Mongoose

The kshatriya strikes with the speed of the legendary mongoose, enemy of serpents. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action when fighting with a sword, spear, or unarmed.

Rank Four: The Virtue of the Gods

Your attacks are infused with the virtues of the Gods. Once per skirmish after a successful attack you may spend a Void Point to add a number of unkept dice to your DR equal to your Rank in Lore: Theology (Ivory Kingdoms).

Rank Five: The Courage of Shiva

The final lesson of the kshatriya is to never give up, even in the face of terror or certain death. You gain an additional +1k1 to resist Fear effects. If you are reduced to Out or Dead, on your next Turn you may take one final Simple Action which suffers no Wound penalties.