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Soul Sword

One of the more powerful and complex multi-Element spells known, this Agasha spell is the ultimate expression of the Elemental Weapon spells, combining all four Elements to create a weapon of pure Elemental power. The weapon takes the form of a 5k4 katana and is wielded using the Kenjutsu Skill, but with a +2k2 bonus to attack rolls as the spirits within the blade guide it toward its foes. The Soul Sword is considered to have the properties of both Jade and Crystal for the purpose of who can be harmed by it, and it ignores all effects of enemy armor (both Armor TN and Reduction).

Drown the Spirit

One of the very few Multi-Element spells known to use Void magic, this spell can only be cast by a Void shugenja. It was devised by the Isawa ishiken as a way of punishing or outright defeating powerful foes, and it works by using the Void to turn the target’s internal Air and Water kami against him. The spell is quite visually spectacular, with the caster gathering a visible ball of dark crackling energy in his hands and then sending it forth to strike and suffuse the target.

Cleansing the Body

The only known Multi-Element spell created by the Kuni family, this spell calls on both the simple cleansing of Water and the spiritual purity of Earth to help protect against both physical and spiritual pollution. A person targeted with this spell is instantly cleansed of all dirt and filth, and gains a +2k1 bonus to any roll made within the next 24 hours to resist or recover from disease, poison, or infection. Moreover, if the target does not have the Shadowlands Taint, the spell also grants a +2k1 bonus to any rolls made to resist getting the Taint within that same 24 hour period.

Water and Earth

This spell persuades the Water kami and Earth kami in the area of effect to mingle, instantly reducing the ground to sticky, nigh-impassable mud. The spell can be cast anywhere where the ground is normal earth or even stone, but cannot be cast on a finished surface such as a tiled or wooden floor. For the duration of the spell, anyone attempting to physically move through the area of effect can only move a number of feet equal to their Water Ring with a Simple Action, and cannot move at all with a Free Action.

Water and Air

This spell combines the communicative powers of the Air kami with the clarity and divination abilities of the Water kami to grant a potent form of long-distance divination. The caster must have access to a body of still water (a large basin or tub, a koi pond, a moat, etc) in order to cast this spell. By gazing into the water, the caster gains access to the vantage of Air spirits within the spell’s range, allowing him to look down on any location within that range as though gazing down from the sky, and to hear anything happening in that location.

Fire and Water

This spell invokes fire and water spirits at the same time and persuades them to mingle, unleashing a cloud of scalding steam. The area of effect is suddenly filled with super-hot steam which lasts until the spell ends, at which point it disperses. Those caught within the steam suffer 2k2 Wounds each Round they are there (unless they are resistant to heat) and their vision is impaired in the same manner as the Missing Eye Disadvantage until they leave the steam cloud.

Dark Wings

The caster sprouts monstrous wings from his back, resembling those of a bat or other such creature. For the duration of the spell the caster can fl y, and is considered to have Swift 3 while flying.

Curse of Weakness

A more powerful form of the spell Disrupt Limb, this spell inflicts an overwhelming barrage of angry Water kansen on the target. The kansen flow through his body, inflicting headache, weakness, fatigue, and muscle tremors. For the duration of the spell, he is at a +10 TN penalty to all physical and mental activities that require Skill or Trait rolls. (This includes Spell Casting rolls.) He also suffers a -10 penalty to his Armor TN, as the debilitation makes it difficult for him to dodge blows.

Symbol of Blood

This spell inscribes a sinister ward onto a flat surface. The caster writes the ward in the blood he spill to cast the spell, and once inscribed the ward cannot be destroyed except by physically destroying the surface on which it is written. The ward causes its victims’ blood to become sluggish and cold. Anyone other than the caster who enters the area of effect suffers a -2k0 penalty to all physical Actions. The effect only applies while they are within the area of effect, and does not stack with other Symbols of Blood.

Disrupt the Limb

This curse causes the muscles of a target limb (an arm or leg of the caster’s choice) to be affl icted with pain, weakness, and tremors for the duration of the spell. All rolls for physical actions taken with that limb for the duration of the spell suffer a +15 TN penalty. In addition, if the target limb is a leg, the victim is considered to be under the effects of the Lame Disadvantage for the duration of the spell.