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The only known Multi-Element spell created by the Kuni family, this spell calls on both the simple cleansing of Water and the spiritual purity of Earth to help protect against both physical and spiritual pollution. A person targeted with this spell is instantly cleansed of all dirt and filth, and gains a +2k1 bonus to any roll made within the next 24 hours to resist or recover from disease, poison, or infection. Moreover, if the target does not have the Shadowlands Taint, the spell also grants a +2k1 bonus to any rolls made to resist getting the Taint within that same 24 hour period. (This benefit does not work on a target who already has at least one Rank of Taint.) This spell cannot be "stacked" that is, a single person can only benefit from one casting of the spell within a 24-hour period.

Area of Effect
1 target person (can be the caster)
Instantaneous/24 hours (see description)
Area of Effect (+1 person per two Raises)