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False Whispers

Mingling the Void of two beings, even for just a moment, can lead to one of the two being manipulated if he is not prepared for it. The target of this spell will repeat the next sentence you say, verbatim, without any foreknowledge of what his is doing. They speak the words in their own normal voice, regardless of how you speak it. This effect will not allow others to cast spells, even if you have them recite a portion of a spell. This spell only allows the effect once, the first time you speak a single sentence during the duration of the spell.

The Empty Voice

Drawing on the essence of everything allow an ishiken to invoke the kami with far greater ease than normal. For the duration of this spell, you may cast spells of other elements without speaking your prayers aloud. This applies only to spells of equal or lower Mastery Level (any spell of Mastery Level 1 or 2).

Strengthen the Void

This spell allows the caster to thin the veil separating the Void from reality, enhancing the power of the Void within the local area. This is often used when training young ishi, allowing them to touch the Void more readily, but it has a practical value in that anyone within its effect can better harmonize with the Void and thus better reach their own physical and spiritual potential.

Drink of Your Essence

As an ishiken grows more powerful, he can gain more information from examining an individual's pattern within the Void. You learn a great deal of information about the target of this spell, including his individual Rings (but not Traits), his current Wound penalties, and one word summation of his present mood ("hostile", "sorrowful," "confused", etc).

Commune with the Void

Commune with the Void allows the caster to enter into a direct communion with the ineffable Void and thereby gain

information in a manner which is superficially similar to the basic Commune spell in the other four Elements. Much

like the other Commune spells, this spell allows the caster to seek information. However, the answers tend to be far

Balance in All

One of the most powerful lessons the Isawa took from the Tao of Shinsei was a deeper understanding of the connection between the various Elements. With this insight, their gifted Void shugenja were able to manipulate these connections to further their spellcasting potential before exhausting themselves. Once this spell is cast, you may cast spells of any given Element as if they were a different Element - affecting the Ring that is used to roll it, the number of spells of that Element you may cast per day, and any relevant Affinity, Deficiency, or other mechanics.

Altering the Course

Ishiken have a much greater capacity to draw upon the Void than others, and may do it consciously rather than unconsciously. You may spend multiple Void Points on any roll made within the duration of this spell. It still must be a roll on which the expenditure of Void Points is allowable (no damage rolls may be augmented via this spell, for example).

Witness the Untold

It is possible to gain fleeting glimpses of things that have not yet happened by peering through the Void. If you are delaying your action, you may interrupt the target of this spell after he has declared his action but before he has taken his action when his Turn comes up. This may be done during each Round for the duration of the spell. (Normally someone delaying their Action cannot interrupt the Action of another participant.)

The Void's Caress

Although beginning students of ishiken-do cannot affect the pattern of the Void, they can make very short-term alterations to it. You may negate any one Mental or Spiritual Disadvantage the target of this spell possesses, up to a maximum of 5 points in value. The Shadowlands Taint may not be removed via this spell, although the mental disorders that can be caused by it can be temporarily alleviated.