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Unmake the World

The most powerful and terrifying ability of those who command the Void is the ability to destroy the bonds that exist between the five elements. By eradicating the bonds between existing elements, you can effectively cause one object or creature to cease to exist. When you cast this spell on a living creature, you must succeed at a Contested Roll using your Void against the target's Earth. If you are successful, they are instantly killed, and their remains disappear into the Void.

Rise from the Ashes

Everything that exists has a pattern in the Void, a threat woven in the tapestry that is existence. By recalling the memory of that pattern, you can reverse recent effects that have happened to a living creature. When you cast this spell on an individual, you are essentially restoring their existence within the Void in accordance with their previous self. Upon completion of the spell, the person is immediately restored to the state they were in eight hours prior to when the spell begun.

Ring of the Void

Rare and extraordinarily powerful, even by shugenja standards, this prayer calls on the unique favor of the dragon whose domain the ishiken tread: the Void Dragon. Unlike most spells, this is not something that is taught by others, but rather is simply learned though insight by those capable of casting it (and as such it has no scroll associated with it). This spell, more of a meditation ritual, actually allows you to commune with the Void Dragon itself, a feat few mortals have ever managed to perform successfully.

Unbound Essence

Tampering with the pattern of another being's Void can result in catastrophic changes to their abilities. The target's Rings are reordered at random, along with their Traits. For instance, a target might exchange his Air Ring for his Fire Ring, and his Water Ring for his Earth Ring for the duration of the spell. Mental and Physical Traits exchange their values if those values are greater than the Ring. In the above example, if your target has Air 3 and Reflexes 4, he would instead have Fire 3 and Agility 4, with his values for those Traits reassigned to his Air and Reflexes.


All is one and one is all. You may take any single object and transform it into any other object of comparable size. This will only work with an object that is uniform in construction, rather than assembled from multiple pieces. This spell will not affect living material. Although the effect of this spell is permanent, it can be reversed by a second casting on the same object, even by a different ishiken.

Divide the Soul

The true mysteries of the Void are beyond the comprehension of non-ishiken. Using this spell, you may divide your soul across the Void, and exist in two places in the mortal realm simultaneously. The second "you" appears anywhere you might wish within your sight when you cast the spell. You have full knowledge of all that happens in both locations, and may take actions simultaneously as if they were two separate individuals). Only one manifestation may make a Spell Casting Roll per round.

Void Strike

The mortal shell can endure only so much direct contact with the Void; too much, and the flesh can be destroyed by the exposure. This spell inflicts damage with a DR equal to your Void Ring.

Essence of Void

This spell allows the ishiken to suffuse another living creature with the pure essence of the Void, overwhelming

the creature’s bodily functions and rendering that creature inert and unmoving so long as the spell remains in effect.

Draw Closed the Veil

The emptiness that is the Void is part and parcel of what separates the various spirit realms from one another, and it is possible to strengthen it in certain areas. You may target any one spirit not native to the mortal realm of Ningen-do. That spirit is banished to its home realm for a minimum amount of time equal to your Void Ring in months. Spirits that possess a physical body in the mortal realm, such as oni or shapeshifter spirits, require a Contested Willpower Roll for this spell to affect them.