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Rare and extraordinarily powerful, even by shugenja standards, this prayer calls on the unique favor of the dragon whose domain the ishiken tread: the Void Dragon. Unlike most spells, this is not something that is taught by others, but rather is simply learned though insight by those capable of casting it (and as such it has no scroll associated with it). This spell, more of a meditation ritual, actually allows you to commune with the Void Dragon itself, a feat few mortals have ever managed to perform successfully. During your brief moments of contact with this divine entity, you may ask it questions as you see fit. The Void Dragon knows all that can be known, although it is under no particular compulsion to answer you directly, or even at all. Respect must be maintained at all times, for those who have attempted this feat in the past and failed to pay homage to their patron have ceased to exist altogether.

Source Book
Area of Effect
Concentration (requires 1 hour to cast)
Duration (+5 minutes to casting time)