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Chains of Jigoku

A dark counterpoint to the binding spells practiced by Earth shugenja, this spell summons the kansen to bind and trap living creatures (it cannot affect the undead). When the spell is cast, manacles of dark, rusty iron burst from the ground and ensnare the target, trapping him and holding him in place. The target is rendered immobile and helpless, unable to take any physical actions other than to try to break free (although he can still speak). The victim can only break free by making a Contested Roll of his Strength against the Earth of the mahotsukai who cast the spell.

Burning Blood

Raise), Targets (+1 target per 3 Raises)

This horrible spell infuses the target’s bloodstream with angry Fire kansen, causing his blood to superheat and boil through his skin, emerging as a cloud of reddish vapor. The target suffers Wounds with a DR equal to his Fire, and must roll Willpower at TN 20 or fall Prone due to the unbearable pain. Whether or not the target falls prone, he is considered to be Fatigued on his next two Turns, due to the debilitating effect of the boiling blood.

Symbol of the Bloodspeaker

The Bloodspeaker Cult uses this spell to protect their meeting places against unwanted intrusion. The symbol must be inscribed into a fl at surface (wall, fl oor, etc) when it is cast. The moment anyone who is not a loyal member of the Bloodspeaker Cult enters the symbol’s radius, the symbol glows a bright sickly green and the intruder is bathed in eerie green fl ames, infl icting 4k3 damage. The symbol can discharge any number of times against different targets, but each target can only be affected once within the duration of the spell.

Summon Oni

Among the most hazardous spells in the maho-tsukai’s repertoire, this spell summons forth an oni from Jigoku. The oni appears anywhere the caster desires within the range of the spell, and must immediately be given a name - either the caster’s own name or the name of another person closely connected to the caster (a close friend, immediate blood relative, or someone who owes the caster their life) - or it will simply depart back to Jigoku. A name, however, anchors the oni into Ningen-do and allows it to remain within the mortal realm.

Mists of Fear

This spell summons forth a potent illusion of whatever the target fears most in the world. The illusion is present for only a few moments and can only be perceived by the target, who must roll against a Fear 5 effect. If the target suffers from a Phobia the spell will also activate its effects.

Hate's Heart

The target of this spell is infused with Air kansen which cause him to suffer a sudden, violent, murderous rage against whoever he is looking at or speaking with when the spell takes effect. (Cunning maho-tsukai usually cast this spell from concealment, to avoid the risk that the rage might be directed against them.) For the duration of the spell, the victim will be consumed with murderous, uncontrollable rage, unable to think of anything but killing this person. He will immediately attack the object of his hatred to the very best of his ability.

Essence of Undeath

A more powerful form of undead summoning, this spell animates a dead corpse into an undead warrior. Unlike the minor, temporary zombies created by "Summon Undead Champion", this spell binds a kansen into a dead body, creating a powerful Tainted revenant which serves the caster to the best of its ability. The revenant will last indefinitely (until destroyed), and the Taint infusing its body prevents it from decaying further. It cannot speak, but can understand and obey any verbal command. It will serve the maho-tsukai who summoned it until it is physically destroyed.

Death beyond Life

This spell is among the most secret spells employed by the leaders of the Bloodspeaker cult, and is quite rare among maho-tsukai outside of that elite group. It allows the caster to literally cheat death, for himself or another person. The spell must be cast on its target while still alive, and its protective effect normally lasts 24 hours, although skilled spellcasters can extend it. If the target dies within the duration of the spell, powerful kansen will carry his soul away, preventing it from passing on to Meido for judgment.

Dancing with demons

A ritual spell first used by the notorious Doji Nashiko, this spell is also employed by many other maho-tsukai, and has found its way into the repertoire of several Bloodspeaker Cult cells. The spell is a ritual and requires the caster to dance for at least an hour (rolling Perform: Dance / Awareness at TN 25) while casting ; if the dance is interrupted or the Skill roll is unsuccessful, the spell fails.

Armor of Obsidian

This spell wreaths the target in an invisible shield of kansen. If the target is struck or affected by a spell with the Jade keyword, the kansen intercede and negate the spell’s effect. This is quite spectacular, as the target is briefl y wreathed in a cloud of black, soundless fire which visibly absorbs and consumes the spell. The magical armor normally only works once, although a skilled maho-tsukai can make it strong enough to withstand multiple spells.