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A ritual spell first used by the notorious Doji Nashiko, this spell is also employed by many other maho-tsukai, and has found its way into the repertoire of several Bloodspeaker Cult cells. The spell is a ritual and requires the caster to dance for at least an hour (rolling Perform: Dance / Awareness at TN 25) while casting ; if the dance is interrupted or the Skill roll is unsuccessful, the spell fails. However, if the spell succeeds, the caster may choose either to gain a Physical or Mental Advantage for the duration of the spell, or inflict a Physical or Mental Disadvantage on another person within range for the duration of the spell. (The caster need not be able to see the target so long as he is within range.) The maximum Experience Point value of an Advantage or Disadvantage created by the spell is equal to the caster’s Air + Insight Rank + Taint Rank, if any. This spell cannot make extreme physical changes to the target, such as removing limbs or organs (e.g. it cannot inflict Disadvantages like Missing Eye). The GM should exercise intelligent judgment in considering its effects.

Area of Effect
Self or one target creature
24 hours
Duration (+6 hours per Raise)