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The target of this spell is infused with Air kansen which cause him to suffer a sudden, violent, murderous rage against whoever he is looking at or speaking with when the spell takes effect. (Cunning maho-tsukai usually cast this spell from concealment, to avoid the risk that the rage might be directed against them.) For the duration of the spell, the victim will be consumed with murderous, uncontrollable rage, unable to think of anything but killing this person. He will immediately attack the object of his hatred to the very best of his ability. At the start of each Turn, the victim may roll his Honor at TN 30 to control the rage for that Round. The victim will only be able to take Free and Simple Actions during that Round, since so much of his energy is dedicated to controlling the anger.

Source Book
Area of Effect
One target creature
3 rounds
Duration (+1 round per 2 Raises)
Range (+10’ per Raise)