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Legion of Two Thousand

Sponsored by the Imperial house, the Legion of Two Thousand - recruited from some of the best soldiers in Toturi’s ronin army - enjoys resources and support which most ronin can only dream about. As a result, it has been able to develop extensive martial techniques, an extremely rare accomplishment for wave-men.

Kolat Assassin

The assassins of the Lotus Sect are among the deadliest killers in the Empire, swift and merciless. Much of their training is dedicated to infi ltration and deceit, allowing them to disguise themselves and replace others, but they are also taught all possible methods of murder. Few of those marked for death by the Kolat are able to escape the reach of Lotus assassins.

Disciples of Sun Tao

The Disciples are an ancient ronin band based around Sun Tao’s legendary book. The leaders of the band believe they possess the only complete copy of Sun Tao’s writings. Due to the band’s age and dedication, it has actually developed multiple Techniques. Those raised within the band usually learn the Gaze of Sun Tao initially before moving on to study the Disciples’ advanced teachings. However, the Disciples also recruit other ronin who have learned different basic Techniques.

Scorpion Saboteur

The saboteurs are the military elite of the Scorpion shinobi forces. While the clan's other shinobi focus on spying and assassination, the saboteurs undertake the military defense of the Scorpion lands, using every sort of tactic defense of the Scorpion lands, using every sort of tactic (including the forbidden gaijin pepper) to weaken, distract, and cripple enemy armies. Although they prefer to operate by stealth, they are more than capable of defending themselves should the need arise.

Goju Ninja

The Goju are essentially the brawn of the forces controlled by the Lying Darkness and its successor, the Shadow Dragon. They are certainly the most numerous of its minions (although still relatively few in number compared to any real samurai family) and consist of men and women from all backgrounds and families who have been absorbed into the Lying Darkness and lost their identity, becoming faceless creatures of darkness. All members of the Goju have had their identities at least partially consumed (in most cases almost completely so) by the Nothing.

Shosuro Infiltrator

Few outside the Scorpion Clan are aware of the existence of the Shosuro Infiltrator School, and those few who do are either so inextricably bound to the Clan that they dare not reveal its existence, or have been so thoroughly discredited that no one takes their wild accusations seriously. The Shosuro are that which most believe all Scorpion to be, but without the arrogance and cruelty that such villains are commonly ascribed in plays and poems. The Infiltrators are silent, merciless killers who take no pleasure or satisfaction from their role.

Shosuro Actor

The Shosuro Butei (Acting) Academy is a famous acting school, rivaling the actors of the Kakita Artisan Academy, but its students are also taught methods of infiltration and impersonation. The most promising students receive instruction in poison, stealth, and assassination, and are given contracts within the Scorpion spy network to help them to build up the false personas which they use in their later espionage careers.