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The Disciples are an ancient ronin band based around Sun Tao’s legendary book. The leaders of the band believe they possess the only complete copy of Sun Tao’s writings. Due to the band’s age and dedication, it has actually developed multiple Techniques. Those raised within the band usually learn the Gaze of Sun Tao initially before moving on to study the Disciples’ advanced teachings. However, the Disciples also recruit other ronin who have learned different basic Techniques.

Clan School
Required Rings
Required Skills
Battle (Mass Battle) 4,any two Weapon skills at Rank 4
School Techniques
Terumoto’s Lesson

Sun Tao’s chief disciple was a skilled warrior who embraced his master’s doctrine of studying battle in all its forms and mastering all types of warfare. Choose any three Weapon Skills; you gain a +1k0 bonus to your rolls with those Skills.

Sun Tao’s Legacy

All members of the Disciples study the Book of Sun Tao, which binds them together as a group. You gain a bonus of +1k1 to your Battle Skill rolls when rolling to determine who is winning a battle, and a bonus of +1k0 when rolling to determine your status on the Mass Battle Table.

Aikumo’s Perfection

The second leader of the Disciples perfected their teachings and his Technique is the pinnacle of the band’s training. You may make attacks with melee weapons as a Simple Action.

Required Other
Must be born into or recruited into the Disciples of Sun Tao ronin band.