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The assassins of the Lotus Sect are among the deadliest killers in the Empire, swift and merciless. Much of their training is dedicated to infi ltration and deceit, allowing them to disguise themselves and replace others, but they are also taught all possible methods of murder. Few of those marked for death by the Kolat are able to escape the reach of Lotus assassins.

School Type
Clan School
Required Rings
Required Skills
School Techniques
Kiss of the Lotus

The Kolat assassins are taught to slip through Rokugani society all but unnoticed. You are a master of deception and infi ltration. When you spend a Void Point on a Stealth or Acting Skill roll, you gain a +2k2 bonus instead of the normal +1k1.

Tiger's Claw

When striking on the first Round of a skirmish against an unaware opponent, or an opponent who does not realize you are a threat, you gain a +1k0 bonus to your attack rolls and may make melee attacks as Simple Action.

Steal the Light

During a skirmish, once per opponent you may call 2 Raises to make a melee attack that keeps only 1 die of damage (regardless of the weapon used) but leaves the opponent either blind, deaf, or mute (your choice) for a number of minutes equal to your Water. Blinded characters suffer the Blind Conditional Effect from the L5R 4th Edition core rulebook. The GM has discretion to decide the exact penalties of being deafened or muted, but some effects should be obvious รจ for example, a muted character cannot cast spells.