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Dance of the Flames

Filling one's chi with the power of Fire has considerable effects on one's speed as well as one's temperament. While this Kiho is in effect, you may make unarmed attacks as a Simple Action rather than a Complex Action. You must make an unarmed attack against an opponent (rather than an ally or inanimate object) every Round while this Kiho is active, or its effects end immediately.

Breaking Blow

Fire destroys all it touches, and a monk harnessing his Fire chi can achieve similar effects. While this Kiho is active, your unarmed strikes inflicts full damage to all non-metal substances, including wood and stone, without inflicting any ill effects on you as a result of punching such objects. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to your Fire Ring. The Game Master is the ultimate judge of how much damage a particular inanimate object can withstand before being destroyed.

Way of the Earth

The grip of a monk can be like stone, crushing those who find themselves trapped in his grasp. Opponents engaged in a Grapple with you while this Kiho is active suffer a number of additional Wounds per Round equal to your Earth Ring, regardless of who is winning the Grapple. This damage is inflicted during the Reactions Stage. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to your Earth Ring.

The Rolling Avalanche

The principles and strengths of Earth usually deal with the Element when it is at rest, but the fury of moving Earth can be a terrible thing. Sohei who focus on a study of Earth find this Kiho extremely useful, as it channels the usually benign Element into devastating power. This Kiho is delivered via an atemi attack that deals normal unarmed damage. However, if the strike is successful, your damage roll is increased by +Xk0, where X is your Earth Ring.

Rest, My Brother

Easily among the most difficult and most sacred of all Kiho, this technique is restricted to a handful of orders within the Brotherhood. It functions by reversing the chi flow of a Tainted individual, causing them excruciating pain and temporarily restoring clarity of thought. This Kiho requires an atemi attack to be activated. The attack deals normal unarmed damage (despite being an atemi attack), plus an additional number of unkept damage dice equal to the opponent's Shadowlands Taint Rank.

Earth Palm

These effects may be combined through multiple applications of the Kiho, and both last a number of Rounds equal to your Earth Ring, ending on the Reactions stage of the final Round. Each re-application of the Kiho resets the duration for the chosen effect. However, you cannot use this Kiho more than once per Turn.

Touch of the Storm

By drawing on the essence of the Elements themselves, a Brotherhood monk is capable of pulling the fury of the air from his surroundings and unleashing it upon an opponent. This Kiho requires a successful atemi strike. When such an attack is landed successfully, you make a Contested Air Roll against your opponent. If you are successful, your opponent suffers damage (with a DR equal to your Air Ring) in the form of a violent electrical discharge from the air around him. The damage from this Kiho ignores all forms of Reduction unless it specifically mentions electrical damage.

Stain Upon the Soul

This is a basic marital technique known to many sects of the Brotherhood, but one that is decried by several orders as impure and wicked. Its ease of use and its terrible effect on others are the reasons most often cited for this. You must make a successful atemi attack against a target. This disrupts the flow of the target's chi and causes crippling pain throughout the body, distracting them from everything else. The target suffers a penalty to all TNs as if he suffered a number of Wound Ranks equal to your Air Ring.

Hurricane Palm

The raging force of a hurricane is nothing compared to the strength of a properly prepared spirit, or so the Tao of Shinsei says. Certainly there are many among the Brotherhood who seem able to prove such a point true. By externalizing their chi, certain monks are able to hurl away their foes, even those prepared for such an impact. After making a successful unarmed strike, you spend one Void Point. Your strike inflicts only half normal damage (rounded down), but it knocks your opponent back a number of feet equal to twice your Air Ring, after which he falls Prone.

Censure of Thunder

The power of Thunder is not something that can be dismissed by any adherent of the Brotherhood, even those who favor the teachings of the Tao over the precepts of Fortunism. The Thunder Dragon, regardless of its dispensation, favors the bold and the heroic in all things, and those brothers who choose to face armed opponents with an empty hand are well within their rights to call upon its favor with this powerful Kiho.