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Void Fist

Unlike other atemi attacks, the Void Fist is a normal unarmed strike that would appear, if observed, to be damaging to its target. This is an illusion, however, as the true purpose is to use the target as a conduit with the great Void. You must make a successful Raise to strike an opponent with Void Fist. A successful strike inflicts no damage, but you immediately regain 2 Void Points. This Kiho can only be used on enemies, and has no effect on allies. It has no effect on targets who do not have Void Points.

Striking Through the Void

This rare martial Void Kiho allows you to channel the power of the Void into your unarmed strikes. It is controversial within the more peaceful sects of the Brotherhood, who believe that the Void should not be used as a weapon. When active, this Kiho allows you to spend a Void Point on damage rolls for your unarmed strikes (one Void Point per attack).


This Kiho focuses the monk’s Water chi offensively, channeling it through his staff in order to overwhelm his opponent. It is activated with an attack in the same manner as an atemi Kiho, but using a staff attack instead of an unarmed attack. After striking his opponent (typically in a chi-focusing location like the head, chest, or stomach), the monk unleashes his chi through the staff and makes a Contested Roll of his Water against the target’s Earth. With a success, the target is Stunned.

Freezing the Lifebloo

This attack disrupts the flow of chi through an opponent's body, paralyzing them for a short time. The individual struck by the atemi attack is paralyzed, effectively Stunned and unable to take Move Actions, and may not move under his own power for a number of Rounds equal to your Insight rank.

Dharma Technique

A more advanced form of Musubi, this Kiho calls on Water’s defensive powers to protect the monk not only physically but also spiritually. Much like Musubi, this Kiho requires the monk to have a staff and maintain it in motion; however, this Kiho requires the monk to expend a Simple Action on the staff’s movement each Round in order to provide a sufficient focus for his chi. While this Kiho is in effect, the monk has the ability to deflect kami with the Water chi which he focuses through the staff.

Chi Protection

Perhaps the strangest application of the atemi technique, this Kiho permits a monk to restore or enhance the flow of chi through another's body, hastening the healing of wounds or other ailments. You must spend a Void Point to activate this Kiho (as opposed to the normal allowance to activate by Void / Meditation Skill Roll), which is done immediately after successfully striking a target (either an opponent or willing ally) with an atemi strike.

Seven Storm’S Fist

The chi of Fire flows through the body as all forms of chi do, but when its flow is disrupted, it can be particularly painful and disorienting for those not accustomed to the sensation. When this Kiho is active, a successful atemi strike against an opponent forces a Contested Fire Roll between you and that opponent. If you are successful, your opponent is Stunned for one Round

Flame Fist

By mingling your chi with another's while Fire is ascendant within your body, you can disorient and confuse an opponent, inhibiting their actions. An opponent struck by this Kiho's activating atemi strike suffers a TN penalty to all actions equal to three times your Fire Ring. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your Fire Ring.

Falling Star Strike

One of the most blatant and powerful of all Kiho, the Falling Star Strike is a devastating martial attack that can cripple opponents permanently if not used with restraint. When employed, the fists of the monk using it are wreathed in flame, and his eyes burn like fiery embers. This Kiho may only be activated by spending a Void Point, and may not be activated by making a Void / Meditation Skill Roll. It also requires two Raises on an unarmed attack to activate.

Destiny's Strike

The force of destiny is powerful, and can be harnessed by those who truly understand their place in the universe. While this Kiho is active, whenever you are struck by a melee attack from an opponent, you may immediately make a counterattack in the form of a single unarmed attack. If you have not taken your Turn yet this round, this counts as your Turn. If you have taken your Turn, this is a Free Action instead. This counterattack ignores any Wound Penalties suffered as a result of the attack to which it is responding. This Kiho lasts until the end of the skirmish.