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A more advanced form of Musubi, this Kiho calls on Water’s defensive powers to protect the monk not only physically but also spiritually. Much like Musubi, this Kiho requires the monk to have a staff and maintain it in motion; however, this Kiho requires the monk to expend a Simple Action on the staff’s movement each Round in order to provide a sufficient focus for his chi. While this Kiho is in effect, the monk has the ability to deflect kami with the Water chi which he focuses through the staff. In game terms, when a spell specifically targets the monk (not an area-effect spell), the monk may make a Contested Roll of his Staves/Water against the shugenja’s Spell Casting roll. If the monk wins the roll, his chi disrupts the spell and disperses it, negating its effects against him. (If the spell is targeting multiple people, the other targets are not protected by the Kiho.) The monk may do this a number of times per skirmish equal to his Water Ring. At the GM’s option, this Kiho may also be able to defend against maho spells, using the pure Water chi to disrupt the kansen. However, the monk must make 3 Raises on the Contested Roll in order to succeed.

Kiho Type