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The power of Thunder is not something that can be dismissed by any adherent of the Brotherhood, even those who favor the teachings of the Tao over the precepts of Fortunism. The Thunder Dragon, regardless of its dispensation, favors the bold and the heroic in all things, and those brothers who choose to face armed opponents with an empty hand are well within their rights to call upon its favor with this powerful Kiho. If you deliver a successful unarmed atemi strike while using this Kiho, your target immediately suffers 1k1 Wounds from the minor electrical shock that accompanies your touch. He also automatically drops his weapon as if suffering from a successful Disarm Maneuver, as your strike interrupts the flow of chi through his body. The target may spend two Void Points to negate the Disarm, but if he does so he suffers an additional 2k2 Wounds from the more severe electrical shock. The damage caused by this Kiho bypasses Reduction conferred by armor.

Kiho Type