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Void Fist

Unlike other atemi attacks, the Void Fist is a normal unarmed strike that would appear, if observed, to be damaging to its target. This is an illusion, however, as the true purpose is to use the target as a conduit with the great Void. You must make a successful Raise to strike an opponent with Void Fist. A successful strike inflicts no damage, but you immediately regain 2 Void Points. This Kiho can only be used on enemies, and has no effect on allies. It has no effect on targets who do not have Void Points.

Spin the Kharmic Wheel

Theoretically one of the most powerful Kiho known to exist, Spin the Kharmic Wheel is known only to a handful of reclusive masters within the Brotherhood, and discovered by a new soul perhaps once in a generation. You must deliver this Kiho via an unarmed attack in order to properly harness the forces of destiny that it unleashes. You expend all remaining Void Points when this Kiho is activated. The target of your attack loses one randomly determined Social, Spiritual, or Mental Disadvantage and gains a new randomly determined Social, Spiritual, or Mental Disadvantage of equal value.

Silent Solace

Proper use of nerve strikes can impede not only the physical, but the spiritual as well. An opponent struck by this Kiho's activating strike must expend two spell slots to cast a single spell. This effect lasts a number of Rounds equal to your Void Ring.

Sense the Balance

The spiritual balance of individuals can be felt in the flow of their chi. The Air kiho called Harmony of the Mind allows monks to sense a few of another person’s inner secrets, but those who follow the path of Void can do so far more effectively. If you succeed at an atemi strike on your target, you may spend a Void Point to learn the total number of Spiritual Advantages or Disadvantages (one or the other, your choice) which the target possesses.


Monks practice meditation in order to attain the thought-free clarity of a pure soul on the path to Enlightenment. This Kiho allows a monk to briefly bestow this clarity on another person- whether or not that person wishes it. You make an atemi strike and a Contested Roll of your Void against your target’s Fire. If you win the Contested Roll, your target’s mind is momentarily purged of all thoughts, and he forgets everything that has happened during the last minute. At the GM’s option, this might also cause the target to be Dazed for one Round.

Death Touch

The death touch, also known as dim mak, is perhaps the rarest and most reviled use of a monk's understanding of the flow of chi. It involves a series of atemi strikes that disrupt and corrupt the flow of chi through an opponent's body, leading to debilitating pain and possibly death. You must successfully strike an opponent with three atemi strikes on three consecutive Rounds immediately after activating this Kiho, and must spend an additional Void Point after the third and final strike (in addition to any Void Points spent to activate the Kiho).

Banish All Shadows

One of the most powerful effects of one's chi upon another is the clarity it brings, which can allow one to overcome shortcomings for a short time. The target of this Kiho's activating strike may, for a number of Rounds equal to your Void Ring, ignore the effects of his highest-point Disadvantage. This effect does not target Spiritual or Social Disadvantages.


This Kiho focuses the monk’s Water chi offensively, channeling it through his staff in order to overwhelm his opponent. It is activated with an attack in the same manner as an atemi Kiho, but using a staff attack instead of an unarmed attack. After striking his opponent (typically in a chi-focusing location like the head, chest, or stomach), the monk unleashes his chi through the staff and makes a Contested Roll of his Water against the target’s Earth. With a success, the target is Stunned.

Freezing the Lifebloo

This attack disrupts the flow of chi through an opponent's body, paralyzing them for a short time. The individual struck by the atemi attack is paralyzed, effectively Stunned and unable to take Move Actions, and may not move under his own power for a number of Rounds equal to your Insight rank.

Chi Protection

Perhaps the strangest application of the atemi technique, this Kiho permits a monk to restore or enhance the flow of chi through another's body, hastening the healing of wounds or other ailments. You must spend a Void Point to activate this Kiho (as opposed to the normal allowance to activate by Void / Meditation Skill Roll), which is done immediately after successfully striking a target (either an opponent or willing ally) with an atemi strike.