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The death touch, also known as dim mak, is perhaps the rarest and most reviled use of a monk's understanding of the flow of chi. It involves a series of atemi strikes that disrupt and corrupt the flow of chi through an opponent's body, leading to debilitating pain and possibly death. You must successfully strike an opponent with three atemi strikes on three consecutive Rounds immediately after activating this Kiho, and must spend an additional Void Point after the third and final strike (in addition to any Void Points spent to activate the Kiho). You opponent suffers increasing weakness broken up by bouts of agonizing pain. All of the target's Rings are reduced by 1 each hour. The maximum penalty is an amount equal to your Insight Rank. If any Ring reaches 0 due to these penalties, the target falls into a catatonic state and must make three Contested Void Rolls against you (these rolls use the target's full Void, without penalties). If the target loses all three rolls by at least 5 or more, he dies. (This Kiho does not automatically kill the victim if his Earth is reduced to 0.) Use of this technique can be grounds for excommunication from the Brotherhood of Shinsei.

Kiho Type