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Wall of Earth

This spell coaxes the spirits of Earth into rising up and forming a thick, powerful barrier to protect the caster. The wall of rock-hard earth which this spell creates can be shaped as the caster desires, and can be curved, placed on a side of a hill, or even formed in a circle. It is extremely tough, requiring a Strength Roll against a TN of the caster's (Earth + School Rank) x 5 in order to break through. It is strong enough to hold back a raging flood, a lava flow, or hurricane winds, at least as long as the spell lasts.

Armor of the Emperor

This spell covers the caster in a thick layer of tough, resilient Earth spirits who repel all damage, whether physical blows or magical effects. Any time the caster suffers damage from an enemy physical or magical attack, each individual damage die has its total Reduced by the caster's Shugenja School Rank. This cannot reduce a die's total below 0.

Wooden Prison

This spell entreats the Earth kami inhabiting living plants and trees, causing them to make the plants rapidly grow and twine themselves around a designated target. Within seconds the target finds himself ensnared in a dense tangle of vines, creepers, and branches. The target is automatically Entangled at the moment the spell is cast; on his subsequent Turns, the target may attempt to escape as a Simple Action by making a Contested Strength roll against the plants’ Strength of 4.

Groves of Stone

This spell is a specialized variation of the more commonprayer known as Wall of Earth. It entreats the Earth spirits to draw an array of huge stones up from the ground, erupting in an instant through most intervening physical obstacles (such as the floor of a house) to create a circular barrier around the caster. The stones are too strong to break through with anything short of a siege engine (against a siege engine they are considered to have 500 Wounds and Reduction 15), but can be clambered over with a Complex Action and a roll of Athletics / Strength against the caster’s Earth x5.

Earth's Protection

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to protect the area around the caster from the effects o the other three Elements (Air, Fire, and Water) for a short time. While the caster concentrates on maintaining the favor the Earth spirits, the effects of spells which call on those other three elements are mitigated. Any hostile Air, Fire, or Water spell cast within the area of Earth's Protection, or extending its effects into that area, will suffer a +10 TN penalty to the Spell Casting roll.

Wholeness of the World

This spell infuses the target with the strength of Earth to such a degree that his Rings and Traits become wholly resistant to any effort to change them. Any physical or magical effect which would raise or lower his Traits or Rings is completely ineffective for the duration of the spell, as the Eart kami firmly rebuff any such efforts to alter the target's Elemental balance.

The Mountain's Feet

This spell fortifies the target by rooting his feet to the stone and soil beneath, allowing him to shrug off anything that might separate him from the touch of the Earth. The target gains +3k0 to resist all Knockdown maneuvers, and any spell which seeks to knock down the target, lift him into the air, or otherwise break his connection to the Earth must win a Contested roll of the spell's Element against the caster's Earth.

Be the Mountain

A variant of the spell Armor of Earth, designed to protect allies, this prayer causes the Earth kami to envelop the target with their embrace, covering his skin with a stony barrier that repels physical blows. The target gains Reduction of a value equal to 5 x the caster's School Rank, to a maximum of 20, but cannot take Simple Move Actions for the duration of the spell (Free Move Actions are still allowed). Only a willing ally can be targeted with this spell.

Soul of Stone

This spell fills the target's soul with the firm and unyielding strength of stone. For the duration of the spell, the target's feelings are immovable, and any attempt to divert or distract him will be resisted with supernatural determination. He gains a +3k0 bonus to any rolls made to resist emotional manipulation or the distractions of desire, including Courtier (Manipulation) rolls, Temptation rolls, Compulsions, and any similar effect the GM judges to be appropriate.

Earth's Touch

With this spell, the shugenja calls forth the Earth of the target (which may be himself), invoking the kami to strengthen his health and mental fortitude. For the duration of the spell, one of the target's Earth Traits (chosen by the caster) is increased by 1. This does not increase the Ring itself, but it can enhance the target's ability to withstand temptation, resist poisons, or dominate others.