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Summoning the Gale

Swirling winds can be commanded to circle a designated target, preventing ranged attacks being made in either direction. This spell affects an area thirty feet around the target in all directions. Everyone within the affected area gains a +15 bonus to their Armor TN against ranged attacks. However, everyone within the area also suffers a penalty of -3k3 to all ranged attack rolls.

Striking the Storm

The most powerful winds can turn aside not only arrows, but steel as well. You may summon a buffet of winds that surrounds you in an unrelenting cocoon of swirling air. Your Armor TN is increased by +20 against both melee and ranged attacks. The force of the winds surrounding you prevents you from hearing others if they speak to you, however.

The Eye Shall Not See

You call upon the kami to create an area of distraction surrounding you, drawing all attention away from you and your actions. The kami whisper in the ears of those within 20' of you (or of the target if you cast the spell on someone else), causing them to be conveniently distracted from your presence. You are not invisible, but those within 20' of you will not see you as long as you do not make any loud noises or otherwise draw attention to yourself. Those outside that distance are not distracted, however, and will see you perfectly well regardless of your action or inaction.

Essence of Air

Air can be merged with the essence of a mortal, and doing so can impart tremendous abilities, albeit at great risk to the caster. You mix with the wind itself and become insubstantial. You may not interact with any physical objects while insubstantial, although you do remain on the ground, you may pass through solid objects at a rate of one foot per round. You Water Ring is considered halved (rounded down) while you remain insubstantial, and you may not cast any other spells until you return to solidity.

Blessed Wind

You summon a swirling aura of winds to protect you from ranged attacks. The buffeting winds deflect arrows and other projectiles. While you maintain your concentration, this spell adds +15 to your Armor TN versus all non-magical ranged attacks.

Power of the Earth Dragon

This spell is the most powerful of the physically protective Earth spells, calling on the favor of the Dragon of Earth to enshroud the targets with protection against all forms of harm. The Earth spirits absorb all damage which the targets suffer while the spell lasts. However, there are limits to even Earth's endurance. Nemuranai can bypass the protection. Further, if the Earth spirits protecting a specific target absorb a total of 100 Wounds of damage, they will be exhausted and the spell's effects on that target come to an end.

Essence of Jade

This spell calls on the purity of jade to protect its targets against the power of Jigoku, whether manifested as Taint or as the dreaded magic known as maho. The target radiates the sacred green light of jade, and while the spell lasts, he cannot gain the Shadowlands Taint and is completely immune to the effects of all maho spells. This spell cannot be cast on anyone who possesses at least one full Rank of Taint, for the pure jade spirits will recoil from such a corrupt individual, immediately alerting the caster to this individual's Tainted nature.

The Kami's Will

The counterpoint to the Kami's Strength, this spell infuses one person with the stubbornness and determination of Earth, greatly enhancing their willpower and making them all but immune to the effects of elemental magic. The target of this spell increases his Willpower by an amount equal to the caster's Earth Ring, and any spells (friendly or hostile, but not including Maho spells) which target him suffer a penalty of -XkX to their Spell Casting Roll, where X is the caster's Earth Ring.

Grounding Energy

This spell, originally devised by the Yogo, calls on the spirits of Earth to fortify the caster and his companions, allowing them to resist the power of accursed maho spells. Any maho spell that targets the caster or any of the caster’s allies within the area of effect has its Spell Casting TN increased by an amount equal to 10x the target’s Earth.

DraWing on the Mountain

This spell invokes the strength of Earth to strengthen a physical structure against harm. The wood and stone o the target structure – which may be as large as a castle are infused with the strength of the mountains themselves, allowing it to withstand floods, earthquakes, and the assaults of siege engines.