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Curse of the Burning Hand

A truly powerful curse which has only been employed a few times in the Empire’s history, the Curse of the Burning Hand binds a hostile Fire kami to the soul of the target, making it all but impossible to remove. The spell is difficult and requires a full minute to cast; also, the caster must succeed in a Contested Fire Roll against the target in order to inflict the Curse. Once it is in place, the target finds himself constantly wreathed in flames; these fires do not harm him, but harm any friends, allies, or innocents who touch him.

Beam of the Inferno

This is perhaps the deadliest single spell available to shugenja, and one of the most fearsome spells ever developed in the Empire. The prayer invokes a tremendous blast of fire against the chosen target, who takes 10k10 Wounds. The spell puts all the Fire kami in the area into a state of agitation, and normal fires within range will burn hotter and more violently for many minutes after this spell is cast.

Wings of the Phoenix

The Phoenix is one of the most powerful symbols of Fire known to the Rokugani, and this spell calls on the essence of that being to grant its casters the power of flight. When this spell is cast, you summon clouds of Fire kami who take the form of giant wings sprouting from your back. You gain the ability to fly for the duration of the spell, moving at a speed of Water x 10 for a Free Action or Water x 20 for a Simple Action. If you are airborne when the spell expires, the Fire kami will bear you down to earth before departing.

Light of the Sun

This prayer invokes the power of the Sun, worshiped and venerated throughout Rokugan, and is an especial favorite among the Moshi family, although shugenja all across the Empire have learned it. The spell calls down a concentrated beam of pure sunlight to punish the unworthy. Everyone caught in the area of effect takes 2k2 Wounds per Round from the intense heat. Human targets (only) take an additional 2k1 Wounds for every Honor Rank they are below 4, and an additional 2k2 Wounds if they possess at least 1 Rank of the Shadowlands Taint or are controlled by the Lying Darkness.

Follow the Flame

This spell grants you exceptional control of the nearby Fire kami, allowing you to coax them into a very unusual and terrifying attack. On the Round this spell is cast and every Round thereafter, you may declare a line of sight target within 300' and send a stream of fire toward it that snakes along the ground (on later Rounds, designating a target in this manner is a Simple Action). the stream of fire moves at a rate of 75' each Round and moves around impassable (or inflammable) barriers in order to reach its target.

Everburning Rage

A powerful curse that infuses the target's body with angry Fire spirits, wracking him with pain as the kami sear his nerves and ligaments. For the duration of the spell, the victim is considered to be at the Down Wound Level and suffers all associated penalties and conditions, although he takes no actual Wounds from the spell. When the spell expires, the pain instantly ceases and the target may stand up as if nothing had happened.

The Dragon’s Talon (Kuro’s Fire)

A potent battle spell favored by the Elemental Master of Fire and also used by high-ranking battle shugenja from several clans; in the twelfth century Naka Kuro, the Grand Master of the Elements, also used this spell and it came to be called Kuro’s Fire in his honor. Regardless of its name, this spell calls on the unmatched power of the Dragon of Fire to strike down large numbers of lesser foes. When the prayer is completed, bolts of fire resembling the snarling heads of dragons streak out from the shugenja’s hands, striking down the chosen targets. Each target suffers 8k6 damage.

Destructive Wave

A highly potent offensive spell, originally devised by the Isawa Elemental Masters, this prayer summons up a great mass of Fire kami, which roll outward from the caster in a wave of searing flames. Every target within the area of effect, whether friendly or hostile, takes 7k7 Wounds, for the raging flames makes no distinction between ally and enemy. You alone do not take damage from the spell.

Consumed by Five Fires

One of the most potent and deadly of Fire spells, but also one used only by those facing the most desperate need. The spell invokes an array of powerful Fire kami to strike down the target with incredibly powerful heat and flame - but in order to persuade so many kami to strike with such immense power, the shugenja must bestow them with a gift of his own life-force.

Castle of Fire

Like the other Castle spells, Castle of Fire is a defensive prayer, in this case a more sophisticated version of Wall of Fire. It calls on the kami of Fire to erect a barrier surrounding the caster. The fiery barrier is 1’ thick and 10’ high; anyone who is standing on its location when it appears must roll Reflexes at TN 20 to leap away (either inside or outside the Castle) and avoid being burned. The Castle’s barrier instantly incinerates any arrows or other missiles which try to pass through it.