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One of the most potent and deadly of Fire spells, but also one used only by those facing the most desperate need. The spell invokes an array of powerful Fire kami to strike down the target with incredibly powerful heat and flame - but in order to persuade so many kami to strike with such immense power, the shugenja must bestow them with a gift of his own life-force.

The target of this spell is instantly killed, reduced to Dead and then burned down to ashes in a matter of seconds. However, the caster immediately suffers the same number of Wounds as were inflicted on the target - an effect which is often, though not always, lethal. This damage cannot be reduced or mitigated in any way, and if it is lethal the caster cannot avert death. This spell will automatically fail if it targets a creature which is resistant to Fire, and it cannot kill divine entities such as Fortunes.

Area of Effect
One target creature (and caster)
Range (+50’ per Raise)