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Enigmatic and mysterious, the samurai of the Dragon Clan have walked their own path since the Empire was first created. More individualistic and less concerned with material wealth than other clans, the Dragon have much in common with the monks of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, despite the considerable variety among their individual families.

Togashi Yamatsu

The tattooed man who captured Iuchiban's soul during the Bloodspeaker's second rampage has no direct blood descendants, but his spirit sometimes appears to guide later tattooed men - you may only take Yamatsu as an Ancestor if you are a member of the Dragon tattooed orders. Yamatsu's favor grants two Ranks of Magic Resistance that only apply against maho. In addition, his courageous spirit grants you a +2k2 bonus to any Willpower roll to resist being possessed or magically controlled.


The founder of the Dragon Clan's warrior family was one of the greatest swordsmen of his age, a pragmatic and cunning warrior and brilliant duelist, and a deep rival to Kakita in the pursuit of swordsmanship. He created the Niten style, a method of fighting with both katana and wakizashi. he also wrote one the Empire's greatest works on swordsmanship, and died fighting Fu Leng on the first Day of Thunder. If you have gained Mirumoto's attention, he grants you +1k1 to all Agility-based Skill rolls. If the Skill roll is made using a Mirumoto Bushi School Skill, the bonus is +3k1 instead.

Agasha Kitsuki

The founder of the Kitsuki family originated the concept of the controversial "Kitsuki Method," which uses logical deduction and inference to solve crimes. Those who have his guidance gain the ability to "read" others and pick up on subtle, hidden clues in an uncanny, almost supernatural manner that many samurai find disturbing. When you have Kitsuki's guidance, you may use your Perception Trait for any Skill or Trait roll that would normally require you to use your Awareness Trait.


The founder of the Agasha family was an isolated researcher who studied the Elements and learned their secrets. Although much of her family joined the Phoenix, she remains loyal to the Dragon and appears only to those of her descendants found within that clan. Agasha's insights into the true nature of the Elements grant you a +1k0 bonus to Spell Casting Rolls with non-Void spells and +1k1 bonus to all Spellcraft Skill Rolls.

If you spend 10 points on Agasha as an Ancestor, you are one of her most favored descendants and learn the secret spell "Transmute."

Water Hammer Smith

The men and women who make Water Hammer City their home are almost without exception obsessed with the idea of crafting. Some believe that the prevalent obsession is a result of being in close proximity to the sacred forge, while others think it is merely an oddity that has developed within the city as a result of its nature and function; other cities focused on the arts and production of specific resources tend to have similarly narrow views about the world, after all.

The Transcendent Brotherhood

The often-maligned Transcendent Brotherhood embraces a strange philosophy that pain tempers the body and the mind, making it easier to attain a transcendent state that approaches Enlightenment. Although the sect is regarded as dangerously eccentric by the Brotherhood of Shinsei and has been excommunicated from that organization, the Dragon have offered them a home within the Tattooed Orders.

Togashi Defender

The Togashi ise zumi dedicate their lives to chasing the ephemeral goal of enlightenment. The journey is unique to each person, so the monks of the tattooed orders tend to be a highly unique and varied lot. Some choose to focus on physical exertion over mental strength, honing their bodes through an emphasis on martial arts and hard labor. The Togashi Defender becomes adept at pushing his body to its absolute physical limits... and beyond. The Defender often chooses to stay within the Dragon provinces to protect villages from bandits and other predators.

Tamori Weaponsmiths

The Tamori are an intensely pragmatic family, far more so than most shugenja families, and have a number of ideas that more conservative groups view as almost heretical. In particular their embracing of martial traditions, taking the field not merely in support of the bushi but as actual weapon-wielding combatants, has earned them the ire of many other families. Similarly, their desire to craft their own weapons, which they consider necessary to ensure proper quality, is something many others find distasteful.

Tamori Warrior Priest

The Tamori family has been brave and combative ever since its inception. Tamori shugenja often train alongside their Mirumoto brothers to improve their coordination. The yama-bushi (Warrior Priest) consider his martial training equally as important as his connection to the kami. The Warrior Priest can use his bond with the elements to increase his observation of the field of war, allowing him to perform awe-inspiring feats of prowess.